Does your dog sleep with you?

I love my rottie sleeping in my bed with us but where does your dog sleep and why?My dog does move around a lot at night. A lot of the time I'll wake up in the morning and he is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Really where ever he is most comfortable…

    Does your dog sleep with you?

    I love my rottie sleeping in my bed with us but where does your dog sleep and why?My dog does move around a lot at night. A lot of the time I'll wake up in the morning and he is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Really where ever he is most comfortable…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does your dog sleep with you?...

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    • I have a Pomeranian, and he only sleeps with me when he wants to, Sometimes he wants to sleep alone, or with The Kittens, Lol.

    • My husband & I have two dogs, a Golden Retriever (82Lbs.) & a mix (85Lbs.). The mix sleeps in the crate because he has a history of urinating in the house. The Golden sleeps in our bedroom. He starts out on the floor but, sometime in the early morning hours, he jumps in bed with us. He usually lays between us & I end up hovering just on the edge of the bed, or curled in a ball at the corner, or without covers on my left side.

    • My husband and I have two papillons that sleep on the bed with us- a pretty big bed. The important thing with this is to regularly clean the sheets- we can give the dogs infections or vice-versa, but so far we've always been really healthy. One dog loves to sleep on our feet and the other's a cuddler =)

    • Everyone is different for sure...I highly reccommend Dogs to have their Own Beds and can be in the same room... If you have more then one each should have their own bed if house dogs.letting a dog sleep in bed with you is OK ... But not the best for the dog in the long run over the years. Giving them a place they call and know as there space helps them relax... If they are small dogs Crates are fine IF the doors are removed !!!!!! IF you crate a Dog inside the house ? make sure they get out when you get up... Make sure they get to go outside before going to bed and when they get up.... A crate is not a baby sitter (puppy sitter)

    • My beagle sleeps with me when I am home but is trained to sleep in the crate in my parents room when I am working nightshift. Its a personal preference and many people will tell you a million reason why its wrong and why its okay.

    • All 4 of ours are allowed to sleep with us- and if we're traveling and it gets REALLY cold, we'll end up with all 4 standard poodles in bed with us. However, usually, "The Queen" has her own bed- she doesn't share with her lowly minions. Kyra sleeps at the foot of the bed- she knows her place, and it is NOT at the head of the bed- Boo will curl up between my husband and I- he likes it when my husband rubs his tummy until he goes to sleep. The baby pushes his way between Boo and me- he likes to curl up next to me and go to sleep.Usually by around midnight, they're all off the bed but the baby- but return early in the morning when it gets cold. (Or they want breakfast!)