Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner?

I just wanted to make my dog smell good because he's an outside dog, and I'm trying to let him gradually become more inside than outside, and the first step was a MUCH needed bath. I normally use whatever body wash I have or dog shampoo, but I had…

    Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner?

    I just wanted to make my dog smell good because he's an outside dog, and I'm trying to let him gradually become more inside than outside, and the first step was a MUCH needed bath. I normally use whatever body wash I have or dog shampoo, but I had…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner?...

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    • Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner?

      Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner? General Dog Discussions
      I just wanted to make my dog smell good because he's an outside dog, and I'm trying to let him gradually become more inside than outside, and the first step was a MUCH needed bath. I normally use whatever body wash I have or dog shampoo, but I had neither, so I used Apple Shampoo by Suave. Uh...was this stupid of me?

      Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner?

      Is it bad to wash your dog with Suave shampoo and conditioner? General Dog Discussions
    • It's not fine. Human shampoos are much too harsh for a dog. You need to use dog shampoo and make sure you don't over-bath your dog. Once every 6 weeks at the very most.

    • It won't hurt him this once but a dog shampoo is much better for their skin and coat.Human shampoo is formulated differently than dog shampoo. Dog shampoo generally tends to smell better as well. :)

    • One bath won't hurt him, no. However dogs have different skin types than humans and human shampoo/conditioner is way too powerful and harsh for the dog. Repeated use can dry the skin and cause plenty of related problems. I would dilute the shampoo quite a bit before using it and i wouldn't make a habit out of it, but one bath won't do too much harm.

    • Ya that was a bad idea. Don't do it again. If you don't have dog shampoo at the moment of bath time do not resort to human shampoos or conditioners. Simply wash him off with water until you can get to the store to get dog shampoo.

    • It wont "kill" him or anything, just dont use it again cause its not really good for him.Go to the pet store to find and keep appropriate dog shampoo for him..Remember to not bathe him that often as it will take away the necessary oils of his skin...

    • it's not really god for dogs as human shampoo takes off all the oils, and dogs need some of their oils on their fur. there are good smelling shampoo for dog. you can also use the fresh and clean cream rinse. just mix it 1 part cream rinse 7 part water, put it on the dog and just run it down with water 1 time. this will make your dog smells good for weeks.note: I usually put 3part cream rinse and7 part water so my pup will smell really good.. :)hope this helps