Why do dogs smell after being wet?

First: I have tried to research and can't find a half way relevant answer.So, why do dogs smell so good after being wet?For example, a dog in the rain just came inside and got tried off. He/she then smells really good.Is it some sort of thing depending…

    Why do dogs smell after being wet?

    First: I have tried to research and can't find a half way relevant answer.So, why do dogs smell so good after being wet?For example, a dog in the rain just came inside and got tried off. He/she then smells really good.Is it some sort of thing depending…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do dogs smell after being wet?...

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    • Why do dogs smell after being wet?

      Why do dogs smell after being wet? General Dog Discussions
      First: I have tried to research and can't find a half way relevant answer.So, why do dogs smell so good after being wet?For example, a dog in the rain just came inside and got tried off. He/she then smells really good.Is it some sort of thing depending on the fur, skin, something else, etc.?

      Why do dogs smell after being wet?

      Why do dogs smell after being wet? General Dog Discussions
    • Well my dog was really stinky and then I accidentally spilt water on him then he started smelling really nice lyk his shampoo I guess his shampoo had reacted to the water and activated again, allowing the smell to come through.