What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement?

My two dogs lay downstairs on the couches all the time; its their favorite spot. Unfortunately they shed a ton so we have laid blankets on the couches and wash them every week or so. Even with this, there is still a bunch of hair floating around and…

    What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement?

    My two dogs lay downstairs on the couches all the time; its their favorite spot. Unfortunately they shed a ton so we have laid blankets on the couches and wash them every week or so. Even with this, there is still a bunch of hair floating around and…...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement?...

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    • What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement?

      What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement? General Dog Discussions
      My two dogs lay downstairs on the couches all the time; its their favorite spot. Unfortunately they shed a ton so we have laid blankets on the couches and wash them every week or so. Even with this, there is still a bunch of hair floating around and the basement smells of dog. What can we do to help curb this. Would one of those ionizer-air-cleaner things help? Anything else...? We love our dogs very much and cannot banish them to the floor.

      What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement?

      What can I do to help eliminate all the dog hair and dog smell in my basement? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, it would, but the best thing to do is to keep your dogs clean, brushed and well groomed. And feed a good quality food will help cut down the shedding as well.I have three very hairy shelties and my house doesn't have a ton of dog hair and doesn't smell doggy.

    • one thing you can do is to brush them everyday. get a furminator, that helps with the undercoat. another thing is to make sure they are clean. I use a waterless bath on my dogs once a week, if not more to help with the smell. and sweep up the hair.