What to do for dog accidents and locking uo?

Have 2 questions about our dog but first here's a few information first. We have a chocolate lab that we rescued from the local shelter. He's 8 years old and isn't fixed. He sleeps downstairs on our main floor so I make sure before I go to bed to let him…

    What to do for dog accidents and locking uo?

    Have 2 questions about our dog but first here's a few information first. We have a chocolate lab that we rescued from the local shelter. He's 8 years old and isn't fixed. He sleeps downstairs on our main floor so I make sure before I go to bed to let him…...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do for dog accidents and locking uo?...

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    • What to do for dog accidents and locking uo?

      What to do for dog accidents and locking uo? General Dog Discussions
      Have 2 questions about our dog but first here's a few information first. We have a chocolate lab that we rescued from the local shelter. He's 8 years old and isn't fixed. He sleeps downstairs on our main floor so I make sure before I go to bed to let him outside. The problem is that the past few mornings that I wake up he's peed either by the windows on the curtains or on the back of the couch or both. We also make sure to leave him out before we leave the house but it seems that every time he's still having accidents. So first question is that is there a spray or something out there that will keep him from peeing in the same spot? Second question is that we put a gate up to keep him in the kitchen but he either jumps over it or pushes it over so is there a gate that's high enough and strong enough for a 100 lb lab not to get out of it? We've tried getting a cage but he's broken 4 doors off of them and tired of spend $$$

      What to do for dog accidents and locking uo?

      What to do for dog accidents and locking uo? General Dog Discussions
    • Get him fixed. A dog that is not fixed or spayed will mark their territory a lot more often, have more aggression and dominance issues, more of a desire to roam and get into things, and can just be a huge job-especially to first time dog owners or people who don't know much about dogs. Lock him in a crate during the night and when you're gone. You also need to take him for 45 minute long walks to get rid of his energy at least twice a day-and no, letting him outside will not get rid of the energy, he needs to be walked.He could also have something wrong with his bladder. Take him to the vet to see whats going on.

    • In my opinion, the first thing you need to do is take him to the vet. Something is changed to cause the house soiling. He may be diabetic (he's about the right age), he may have a urinary tract infection, he may have bladder stones, he may have a number of other things going on, many of them quite easily treatable.There are various sorts of cleaners for pet urine -- Nature's Miracle is one common brand; I prefer Odor Mute -- does just as well and a heck of a lot cheaper: http://www.jefferspet.com/odormute/camid/PET/cp/0028553/cn/10020/ is one example, and happens to be a supplier I've used.I'm also going to second the suggestion on neutering your dog... in fact, I'm surprised it wasn't done at the shelter. He'll be a happier, healthier, less likely to be destructive dog.