Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn?

I just watched my nextdoor neighbors dog poop on my lawn,or should I just go poop on there lawn!

    Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn?

    I just watched my nextdoor neighbors dog poop on my lawn,or should I just go poop on there lawn!...
    General Dog Discussions : Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn?...

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    • Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn?

      Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn? General Dog Discussions
      I just watched my nextdoor neighbors dog poop on my lawn,or should I just go poop on there lawn!

      Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn?

      Should I yell at my neighbor if they let there Dog poop on my lawn? General Dog Discussions
    • I'd be a little's gross and unsanitary. Plus if you have animals, they could ingest the feces which could lead to your animal contracting worms or other infections. That's why lots of places have town ordinances regarding the matter. Maybe you could scoop it up with something and leave it on their front steps or somewhere equally noticeable that could leave an impact?