What shnuld i do with my german shepard ?

he have now started biting me he thinks iam the boss he had beme very violent he is 1year old

    What shnuld i do with my german shepard ?

    he have now started biting me he thinks iam the boss he had beme very violent he is 1year old...
    General Dog Discussions : What shnuld i do with my german shepard ?...

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    • What shnuld i do with my german shepard ?

      What shnuld i do with my german shepard ? General Dog Discussions
      he have now started biting me he thinks iam the boss he had beme very violent he is 1year old

      What shnuld i do with my german shepard ?

      What shnuld i do with my german shepard ? General Dog Discussions
    • before trying advanced training techniques at least go to ONE obedience class and try an evening class in English for yourself so we can understand your questionsas a trainer i could give you all kinds of suggestions and recommendations but when you have a dog challenging you like this, YOU need training first, PLEASE take a class

    • if he thinks you are the boss he shouldn't be biting you. obviously he thinks he's the alpha dog in your pack. You need to get some professional help from a trainer who specializes in this breed of dog. they are very stubborn and can be difficult to train if you are not familiar on how to handle them. also if he is not neutered, do so, it will help calm him down a bit. do this now while he is still young or you will end up getting rid of him because you won't be able to control him. Invest in the trainer, it will be well worth your money. These dogs are a wonderful companion and loving pets.

    • Have him neutered to take out some of the aggression.Do watch Cesar Milan on TV who will show you how to become the leader of your pack. Your dog does not respect you. You must learn from these shows how to make him respect you or you could soon have a very bad situation.It would help to take him to a dog training school.Nancy