best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

What is the best dog food that is sold at petco or petsmart for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

    best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

    What is the best dog food that is sold at petco or petsmart for a 1year old miniature pinscher?...
    General Dog Discussions : best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher?...

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    • best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

      best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher? General Dog Discussions
      What is the best dog food that is sold at petco or petsmart for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

      best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher?

      best dog food for a 1year old miniature pinscher? General Dog Discussions
    • Wellness Souphttp://www.chickensoupforthepetloverssou...Solid Gold Natura Brand never use any food from Purina, because they are all crap, and you would never want to feed a pet that you loved the Purina brand. Here is thier website: use Science Diet, either. That is a very crappy brand. If your dog is ever sick, the vet will recommend Science Diet. Their Rx diets are Ok for some dogs who need them, but don't get the regular Science Diet. Here is their website: FOOD FOOD IS GOOD: possible, you will want small breed adult. I feed the raw diet. It is the best you can feed most dogs. A couple weeks ago, when I started Tiger on raw, he could barely jump the fence. But now after two weeks on raw, he clears it easily. And he's 8 years old. I suggest you look into it. Good luck with your dog!!!

    • In my opinion, the best foods sold at Petco are Wellness, Solid Gold, Eagle Pack Holistic, and Blue Buffalo. at Petsmart, the only good food you can get is Blue Buffalo. Everything else is made my Purina and Pedigree.

    • I recommend you to use Agritura's Canned Dog-Food Products. These products are best- nutrition Rated..!!However, Consider following points before buying any product ----->If you have puppy of 6 to 8 weeks >>> Feed your puppy 3-4 times a day. Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs.Meat should be the first ingredient on the label.For 2 yrs. of Puppy >>>>>Smaller breeds can start on adult food when they are a year old. Larger breeds should stay on puppy food until they are fully mature which is usually about 2 years of age. Ask your veterinarian when to switch your dog.Check this feed-product that my dog loves>>>