can my dog be pregnant?

i have a 1year and 2 month old border collie female, she is in her second heat. i also have a 6 yr old, overweight male. i happened to walk outside today and he was "doing his groove." i brought her inside to seperate them. but is it possibe she is…

    can my dog be pregnant?

    i have a 1year and 2 month old border collie female, she is in her second heat. i also have a 6 yr old, overweight male. i happened to walk outside today and he was "doing his groove." i brought her inside to seperate them. but is it possibe she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : can my dog be pregnant?...

    • can my dog be pregnant?

      can my dog be pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      i have a 1year and 2 month old border collie female, she is in her second heat. i also have a 6 yr old, overweight male. i happened to walk outside today and he was "doing his groove." i brought her inside to seperate them. but is it possibe she is pregnant. i really dont want to deal with puppies and was planning on getting her spayed.

      can my dog be pregnant?

      can my dog be pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • If you were able to seperate them before they tied then maybe his grove wasn't entirely on just yet. I'd take no chances and get her into the vet for a shot to stop the pregnancy to make sure no puppies arrive.While your there make an appointment to have her sprayed.

    • It is very possible. Most likely, if that's the only time it's happened and it doesn't again, she won't have a whole bunch of pups. Just be aware and maybe get her checked at the vet. Whatever you do, don't let them breed again after about a week or so; it may lead to complications, because the conception dates are too far apart.

    • She should have been spayed quite a while ago and kept apart from the make when she's in heat. She may be pregnant but if you call the vet you can make an appointment to get her spayed and if she is they can terminate the pregnancy too. Really if you didn't want puppies why have a male and an unspayed female?