I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.?

I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls I flick her in nose and tell her to stop she yipes like I just beat her! I make my puppy slow down and calm down but she still growls even if hes not paying attention to…

    I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.?

    I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls I flick her in nose and tell her to stop she yipes like I just beat her! I make my puppy slow down and calm down but she still growls even if hes not paying attention to…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.?...

    • I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.?

      I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls I flick her in nose and tell her to stop she yipes like I just beat her! I make my puppy slow down and calm down but she still growls even if hes not paying attention to her. What do I do

      I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.?

      I have a 3 year old dog who every time my 1year old puppy tries to go near growls what do i do.? General Dog Discussions
    • Some older dogs get jealous of younger dogs because they get more attention in most cases.show your other dog she shouldn't see the puppy as compition so show her some love I think that's all she needs

    • Do not flick her nose. This might lead to more serious aggression issues or cause fear. If she growls, tell her "No," firmly & take the puppy away. This sounds like jealousy, so you will need to make sure to even the love out between the two dogs or else your three-year-old is not going to be happy. Make sure you supervise the dogs when they are together in the same room.Fencing off half of the house for the puppy, & leaving the other half for your three-year-old would be a good idea so the female can have some space. Good luck! ~ Blue

    • Most adult dogs are tolerant with the antics of a puppy but your young dog is now 1 year old so no longer a puppy and as far as the older dog is concerned, the young one has outgrown his/her puppy license.Please don't flick the dog on the nose. The nose is very sensitive and she's yelping because you hurt her. If you keep hurting her she will lose all trust in you.Keep the young dog away from the older one for the time being, even if you have to keep them in separate areas of the house.