My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.?

We moved from a small town (with amazing vets who were affordable) to the big city. There are just so many vets here it's hard to choose the right ones for us and it's so expensive!! One of my dog's eyes is red with greenish discharge. It doesn't appear…

    My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.?

    We moved from a small town (with amazing vets who were affordable) to the big city. There are just so many vets here it's hard to choose the right ones for us and it's so expensive!! One of my dog's eyes is red with greenish discharge. It doesn't appear…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.?...

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    • My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.?

      My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.? Dog Breed Discussions
      We moved from a small town (with amazing vets who were affordable) to the big city. There are just so many vets here it's hard to choose the right ones for us and it's so expensive!! One of my dog's eyes is red with greenish discharge. It doesn't appear to bother her or to be itchy. She is a 9 month old akbash/cross. I used a saline solution for about a week and it looked like it was clearing up but I took her to a vet just to be safe. He charged me $130 to have a look and he sent me home with an antibiotic gel (He said she didn't have any scratches/he checked with a dye). I used the gel for a week as directed. When I stopped using the gel for a day it came back (red/green discharge). So I decided to use the antibiotic up (really small little tube) for about another two weeks (on the advice of my mum and sister who have had similar issues with their dogs and to avoid another expensive vet bill) But once I stopped it came back!! What should I do. I know I will have to see another vet the cost is just crazy and I don't even know if I'm getting the best care. Any Advice?Thanks for the advice! I didn't realize that was standard cost, he didn't really break down what I was being charged for. Of course her eye is worth it! She's my baby and means the world to me. I should have taken her in at one week and will be taking her in ASAP.

      My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.?

      My dog has an eye infection. I need advice, preferably from a trained Veterinarian.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If you look at your bill, I'm guessing a large portion of the cost was for the stain and the antibiotics. I recently had an eye stain done on my dog, I live in the suburbs, and the stain alone was $40. The antibiotic was $25 - a $4 antibiotic at Target. On top of that, I get charged tax on the antibiotic. Basically, my point is that if the dog is still having problems, you need to follow up with the vet or go see a specialist. I will warn you, specialists start at about $100 just to walk through their front door. Even if it is another $130, isn't your dog's eye worth it?

    • How about using the prescribed stuff for the correct amount of time the Vet told you to? If you did do that, than tell the Vet that it didn't work. There are NO Vets on this site giving out free advice. If you don't like the Vet you went to, try another one. Also, welcome to life in the big city! $130.00 is peanuts for an office visit, the whole *dye in the eyes* and prescription. You'll get use to it. (lol)

    • Go back to the vet you already saw. There should be no charge for a follow up visit. What you paid for was the office visit, corneal stain and the antibiotic, and it's a pretty average cost. If you go to a different vet you'll pay the same costs again and your dog needs to be seen right away. You should have contacted the vet after treating for a week with no improvement

    • i think you need to call the vet you took him too and tell him that the stuff isn't vet doesn't charge for a follow up visit so ask this one if he does.that should help lower the cost to only paying for a new medication if needed.when my dogs eye gets stuff in it i use cotton balls wet ted down then squeeze the water into his eye to flush everything out.that's what my vet told me to do.

    • You don't have time to be picky. Any vet will do for something like eye infections. $130 is rather cheap for vet bills. Where I live, it's around $200. Generally vets encourage a follow up visit about a week after diagnosis. This should have been done. Get her to another vet. Do it by tomorrow. The longer you wait, the worse things will get.. and the less likely she will respond to treatment. You can shop around for a vet once she's healed. You'll find most vets are about the same as in how good they ar. FYI. Vets dont give advice on here without examining the animal. It's illegal. They will just say she needs to be seen.Vets here charge something like $50 or $75 for a follow up, so long as nothing more needs to be done.

    • When it comes to eye issues, you don't mess around. If the family vet can't figure out what is going on, then he can refer you to a veterinary ophthalmologist. That's an advantage of living in a big city. You usually have aspecialistst in town. I had to drive 2.5 hours to get my dog seen by a vet optho. One of my dogs developed uveitis in both eyes. It turned into glaucoma and that resulted in both eyes having to be surgically removed and stitched shut. Glaucoma is extremely painful however, he did not show signs that he was in pain. So just because your girl does not act like she's hurting does not mean she's not. The vet optho vists ran anywhere from $70- $200. Just depended on if he was given medication or not. My dog is doing really well now. Blind dogs adapt really well. They rely on their noses first, ears next then eyes. So going blind is not nearly as traumatic for them as it is for us.