my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing?

his been gagging for about 6 days any home remedies or i have to go to the vet i tryed giving him water and bread but nothing

    my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing?

    his been gagging for about 6 days any home remedies or i have to go to the vet i tryed giving him water and bread but nothing...
    General Dog Discussions : my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing?...

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    • my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing?

      my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing? General Dog Discussions
      his been gagging for about 6 days any home remedies or i have to go to the vet i tryed giving him water and bread but nothing

      my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing?

      my 1year old german shepard keeps gagging maybe he choke on some thing? General Dog Discussions
    • A good home remedy is a vet. Something is blocking/stopping this dog from eating and this is very SERIOUS, nothing you go sitting on the computer and waiting for answers for, the dog could very well die. What the hell, is water and bread going to do...but make him sicker.