How do i train an old dog?

My dog Abby is 2years old but wont train for anything she eats and peas on everything if i dont train her soon she needs to find a new home .What should i do?

    How do i train an old dog?

    My dog Abby is 2years old but wont train for anything she eats and peas on everything if i dont train her soon she needs to find a new home .What should i do?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i train an old dog?...

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    • How do i train an old dog?

      How do i train an old dog? General Dog Discussions
      My dog Abby is 2years old but wont train for anything she eats and peas on everything if i dont train her soon she needs to find a new home .What should i do?

      How do i train an old dog?

      How do i train an old dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes you can teach an old dog new tricks.. Maybe you need a coach to teach you how to do it..doggie obedience school or get some books from your local library and study up on it..police dogs are trained at an older age and continue training as do many other breeds of working dogs,dog show dogs..

    • Never show signs of aggresion because she wont know what shes done wrong, you need to pull her out calmly and firmly if she starts peeing inside and reward her with a treat straight after shes done outside. The no1 method Ive found is to completely ignore them if they are doing something wrong, this affects them more than punishment that they dont understand. Control them with attention... that's ALL they wantBad=less playtimegood= reward and a rubdown XD

    • Here's what u can do, after she eats, talk to her get her to understand this, want to go for a walk now? u can also put paper at the door. if she pee on the floor after that, u should roll some paper, pop her with it a little, and say bad dog that's not a good thing to do...