Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house?

My dog she is 2years old and still gets into the garbage but recently has gotten into my newborn's dirty diapers that have been thrown out and there isn't much left of the diaper! thats just soooo GROSS! is there a reason for this?Thanks for all who…

    Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house?

    My dog she is 2years old and still gets into the garbage but recently has gotten into my newborn's dirty diapers that have been thrown out and there isn't much left of the diaper! thats just soooo GROSS! is there a reason for this?Thanks for all who…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house?...

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    • Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house?

      Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house? General Dog Discussions
      My dog she is 2years old and still gets into the garbage but recently has gotten into my newborn's dirty diapers that have been thrown out and there isn't much left of the diaper! thats just soooo GROSS! is there a reason for this?Thanks for all who answer! :)Mom of 2 a 7yr old and a 5wk old preemie (born at 34 wks)

      Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house?

      Why do dogs get into the garbage while you are away from the house? General Dog Discussions
    • If you throw out the garbage on the way out, there won't be any fragrant bouquests coming from the garbage can/diaper pail for the dog to get in to. Don't blame the dog for doing what comes naturally. You can easily control it by removing the garbage.

    • your trash bin ,is like Disney land to your dog , as you know dog have a greater sense of smell, and the trash bin smells great to them , the diaper, oh well, a new one to smell. my 8 years gsd still digs in the trash ,bin if you want to stop it , keep the trashbin away fro m your dog, simple but that all you can do ............

    • This sounds like separation anxiety to me. My dog gets into garbage when we're not home, and when we are home, he follows us around like he never had another friend in the whole world. He just tears up empty bags, though, since are kitchen garbage (with all the fun nasties) is unavailable to him.Dogs are also attracted to stool for some reason. I remember when we had a dog who was an amazing pet, and a young kitten. We had to keep the litter box in the living room for a little while because the kitten was too small to go up and down stairs very well (usually the litter box was in the basement). Sure enough, we had to chase the dog away from the box on several occations, and she kept going back to it.My current dog gets into the litter box on rare occations, though I can't actually think of a recent time that he's done it. I can't really offer you any suggestions on how to help your dog out, but I can say that it seems like it's separation anxiety to me.She could also be jealous of the attention that you're giving the new baby, and that could be the reason that she's going for the diapers. She might not like the baby, and is therefore destorying something that reminds her of the baby: the diapers.

    • ok your dog is bored, thats his/her way of entertaining itself. Take it for multiple walks a day, preferebly long. Just by giving him/her something as simple as a walk will drain all that pent up energy so that he won't do bad things like that. you will see an improvement : ) take him/her for a power walk before you leave the house so while your gone your dog will be tired and less likely to get into things! sorry i wasn't sure if it was boy or girl :) good luck

    • Alot of times they do this because they are acting out because they are being left and lonely, My dog use to do the same thing and once i started making sure she couldn't get into the trash she started chewing other things. This might help , you might want to try to leave the TV on when you leave so it has some noise because they get very bored very fast and maybe a bone to chew on or another thing that really helps is a Kong toy and fill it with peanut butter and usually this takes awhile for them to lick it out of the Kong toy. Heck these ideas wouldn't hurt to try to get the pup to stop doing bad things, they worked for me but all dogs are different.