Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids?

My twin girls are only 2 months old, but me and fiance are talking about getting a puppy when they get about 8 or 9 months old. We're thinking about getting a Puggle(a beagle and pug mix.), A King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, or a Golden Retriever. What do…

    Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids?

    My twin girls are only 2 months old, but me and fiance are talking about getting a puppy when they get about 8 or 9 months old. We're thinking about getting a Puggle(a beagle and pug mix.), A King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, or a Golden Retriever. What do…...
    General Dog Discussions : Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids?...

    • Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids?

      Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids? General Dog Discussions
      My twin girls are only 2 months old, but me and fiance are talking about getting a puppy when they get about 8 or 9 months old. We're thinking about getting a Puggle(a beagle and pug mix.), A King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, or a Golden Retriever. What do you think we should get, and what kind of dog definatly wont attack my babies, or get too jealous of them?

      Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids?

      Whats the best dog breed to get that gets along well with kids? General Dog Discussions
    • A cavalier ... hands down ... is the best family dog!Take a look at www.cavaliertalk.com and the forums there!Or Cavalier Connection Message Boards!They are great resources.

    • Unscarred Children (and Adults). If a puppy does not teeth on your possesions, it will teeth on you and your children. Rescuers often get calls from panicked parents sure their dog is about to seriously injure their children. It usually turns out the puppy is just doing what puppies do, i.e., mouth or nip. Parents, too emotional to see the difference, just want to get rid of the dog. A growing puppy is going to put anything and everything in their mouth. It must be taught bite inhibition. As the puppy grows, the puppy's jaws become stronger and its teeth are replaced by its adult teeth. The mouthing and nipping it did as a puppy now can have serious consequences. Far better to get an adult dog 2years+ that has "been there, done that, moved on."Number 2; a Puggle= is NOT a purebred dog, which means it is Poorly bred, which also mean unstable temperments including aggression, behavioural problems and genetic faults.No reputable breeder would breed a MUTT.Pug-Small children tend to poke and prod-which in this case isn't good for a pug as a poke in the eye could easily blind the dog, and is a blind dog good with children?Small children and pugs are not a good combination. While pugs are not generally aggressive dogs, young children tend to be fascinated with their curly tails and bulging eyes. Pugs eyes are very sensitive and easily injured, and having their tails pulled can make even the most easy-going pug snap at the person who is doing the pulling.Beagles are great dogs with children, but are incrediable stubburn and difficult to train and require 4km daily walkshttp://www.threeseven.ca/2008/02/truth-about-beagles.htmlCavalier King Charles SpanielIf you have small children, I do not recommend Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, no matter how well-meaning the child. Small children cannot help being clumsy, and that a child meant well is little solace to a Cavalier puppy who has been accidentally stepped on, sat on, rolled on, squeezed, or dropped onto the patio. Even Cavalier adults may feel overwhelmed by the loud voices and quick movements that children can't help making -- and stress and shyness may be the result.Larger dogs are generally better with small children, small breeds are incrediable fragile and can easily be killed by being dropped on the patio, small breeds however are quite suitable for older considerate children around 8years+Top dogs breeds for small childrenGolden RetriverLabradorScotch ColliesNewfoundland-Yes they can and will adapt to new homes

    • I would get a Golden Retriever. A Golden would definitely be a gentle breed for your daughters! My second choice would be Cavalier because they are also very sweet like Goldens. Don't get a "Puggle" they are poorly bred and therefore usually have temperament issues.

    • most larger dogs are good with kids so I'd stay away from a small dog (which tend to be snappy).As far as which large dog, it depends on your family. If you have allergies or hate grooming then even a golden wouldn't be good for you. Research what breeds will fit your family's lifestyle rather than go with popular breeds or mixes (btw poodle mixes don't always come out hypoallergenic).

    • please dont get a pugglehonestly...I think you should adopt an adult dog.they are way more careful around such young childrenand of those 3 breeds you namedI would choose Golden Retrieveralthough boxers and great danes are dear to my heartI honeslty feel that boxers are the best family dogbut they are very high strung as puppiesbut really. I think you should go with an adult dog for now.and in the future...get a pup

    • well first of all congrats one the newborns! well all three breeds are very calm and great with kids. I personally think King charles and puggle is good because they are active enough to handle babies and are small but you need to be careful they dont get mad when the baby hits him or tugs or hes ear there also attention huggers they might get a little jelous your kissing the baby and him. golden retrivers are great dogs, great for kids and completely active and protect. Either way which ever dog you choose you need to make sure the dogs dont react if you push or pull on him. make sure the dog grows up with the babies, youll be surprised sometimes the protect babies before they protect you. make sure the dog understands they are second not first, you dont want the dog to react because you give your daughters attention. i love golden retrivers and king charles caviliers im not a fan of puggles. but good luck anyway!

    • Oh Wow. You chose 2 of the GREATEST breeds of dogs! Cavaliers and Goldens are my personal 2 favorite breeds. I own a Golden, and Plan to adopt a Cavalier in June.Anyways, I tell you, my Golden Retriever is the most tolerant dog that I have ever met. She lets anyone, poke/pull on her. She has never had an agression issue with anyone. She is great around small children, and loves them!Of course, you have to raise and socilize any breed of dog in order for him to be good around children. Goldens and Cav's are my favorite dogs. I can't chose between the two.If you are looking for a large breed dog, go with a Golden. If you want a small breed, go with a Cavalier.I would NOT recomend a "puggle."I wish you the best of Luck :)Please adopt from petfinder.com and save a life!

    • Any dog can be raised to be a gentle companion for your children.However if you need a dog for protection it has to be trained in a different way so it may not be a good idea to have it around your children.we have a couple of Rhodesian ridgebacks with a disposition of bunny rabbits - honest.But if a burgler ever came in the house they would show him where the money is kept.As long as he opens the fridge first.

    • Above all, I really believe you should research all the breeds you are considering. I would not suggest a Puggle, because it's just a fancy mutt, so its behavior can't be predicted very well. Although, it will be a mixture of both breeds, you won't know which will be more dominant in each particular dog. I have two golden retrievers which are known for being wonderful with kids. They actually do better with kids because the kids will have fun training them and playing with them, which helps with bonding. I have never had my goldens so much as nip at me (we got them when I was about 4th grade or so). But because they are so mild-tempered, you have to watch your kids and make sure they are not hurting the dog. One problem is that my goldens liked to jump. However, this was easily corrected by simple training. I honestly can't say a bad thing about this breed. As long as they're exercised and well trained, I think you will be a very happy pet owner with them. However, researching is best to make sure they fit your lifestyle, because no one on here knows whats best for you personally.

    • i have a westie and i think they are really good with children..they are easily trained and very loyal and obedient...my dog is 7 years old but he still acts like he is a puppy..they arent to big or to small..they make a perfect dog for any size house or apartments

    • get the golden retriever, big dogs are best with small children, little dogs can get hurt easier and get grouchy easy, i would really get the golden retriever, they are amazing dogs.

    • a akita,mini hound dog,a lab,pug,english bull dog,golden retriever,rat terrier,chow chow,dalmatian,shih tzu they are really good for kids akita you might not what cause if you give your even a hit .

    • If you're going to get a dog I'd go with the Cavalier King Charles. But i would wait a long time before you get one. Cavaliers are very tolerant of children but adding a puppy to the household is just like having another kid around. They are a lot of work and need constant supervision just like a baby does. So it will be like having 3 kids instead of just the two. Are you ready to take the time to potty train the puppy. When the puppy is pooping a peeing on the same carpet your children are crawling around and playing on. Are you ready for a puppy to chew all your children's toys that your children leave laying around house. Then when your feeding your kids the puppy is jumping up at the high chair stealing food from your child's hands getting dog slobber all over their hands while they're eating. Or if you give your children a cookie or cracker the puppy will chase and follow your children around the house stealing their food. As your child is eating the puppy goes to steal it but only slobbers on it, then the child puts the cookie in it's mouth after the dog had it in their mouth. So before getting a puppy think about what you just read.