What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?

I am doing this as an assignment for my Biology subject.What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?how early?

    What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?

    I am doing this as an assignment for my Biology subject.What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?how early?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?...

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    • What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?

      What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate? General Dog Discussions
      I am doing this as an assignment for my Biology subject.What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?how early?

      What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate?

      What is the average month/year that a female dog be fit to mate? General Dog Discussions
    • A female dog goes into "heat" every six months. I have always heard that it is best to wait till they are a year old, for maturity, and to give them a rest between litters, that means to miss a season (heat) and that it is best to quit breeding at 6 years old, I would get most of my information from your local vet. I am sure if you called and set up a time that one of their nurses would be glad to answer questions.

    • A female goes into heat every 6 months or so depending on breed and age. Usually not before 9 months to a year old. The age also depends on the size and breed of dog. Some start earlier. Would not advise breeding until at least 1 year of age.

    • They can go into heat as young as 6 months or as old as 1 1/2 years old(in very extreme cases) The normal time for her first heat is 8-12 months old. Responsible breeders should wait for her second heat or until she's 2 years old to breed her so she's fully mature. Swelling of the vulva and vaginal bleeding indicates the actual date for each dog. Once you see these signs it will be between 2-20 days before she will allow breeding. (the average is 9-14 days) Hope this helps.

    • They ovulate like 4 times a year just depending on when they are born and then as to when they fall into a cycle. No particular best month or year. Of course the spring is always popular. Tis the season and all.

    • Dogs do not go into heat during a particular month or season of the year, unlike most wild animals.A female dog will usually go into heat for the first time when she's somewhere between 6 months-1year old. After that she will go into heat with 6 months - 1 year between heats. Small breeds will have usually have less time between heats (6 months), giant breed will usually have longer time between heats (up to 1 year).For health reasons, a female dog should not be bred until she's 1,5-2 years old (small breeds), 2 years old (medium and large breeds), 2-3 years old (giant breeds). It is also not good for the dog to breed it with every heat, but better to have 1,5 - 2 years between breedings. Breeding should stop when the dog is somewhere between 4-6 years old.