What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun?

I want a puppy not an old dog and by puppy i mean like 2-3years old about that age

    What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun?

    I want a puppy not an old dog and by puppy i mean like 2-3years old about that age...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun?...

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    • What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun?

      What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun? General Dog Discussions
      I want a puppy not an old dog and by puppy i mean like 2-3years old about that age

      What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun?

      What is a good type of dog to get that is full of energand fun? General Dog Discussions
    • That is not a puppy but a young one. Try petfinder.com it also depends on the amount of time you wish to spend taking care of the dog and what your lifestyle is like.

    • If you have a lot of room, labrodors are great dogs, but they need a lot of room outside to run and play. Beagles are also great loving and playful dogs. Visit your local animal shelter and rescue a puppy that someone couldn't care for anymore. A lot of times they have a good idea of the dog's personality. You will know what kind of dog you are getting and you will save it from being put to sleep.

    • there are plenty of breeds that are like that! but there are also other things that need to be compaitble with ur dog.here's a site that shud help uhttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/search.htmbest of luck!

    • You can go as young as 4-6 months and they look like big dogs already. It's their teenager years, and they're half puppy, half full dogs.a very active dog is a border collie. those are the dogs that u see on tv running after frisbees 200feet away, doing those agility things on tv, weaving through poles. I have one, and she's just a puppy, 2 months old, and all she wants to do is play. Just remember, a fully active dog, needs a fully active owner.

    • Labs and retrievers are great energetic fun dogs. Black labs are my personal favorites. They LOVE to play, be on the go, and are very loyal. They are great with kids and so fun to be around! I do suggest researching the habits of breads before buying a dog so you know what you're getting. Many people, including myself, have fallen to the "oh its soooo cute" spell and then end up with a dog that is skittish, or not good with kids, or doesnt like to play, etc. Good Luck!

    • you should get a lamb retriever they are full of energy and they like to swim! which i think is a plus they like to hunt but if you get one that likes to chase after animals you can easily teach it that thats wrong they are very smart and very easy to teach they get along well with other animals and they are good watchdogs. i have had these types of dogs all of my life and they really have helped me

    • A beagle is always full of energy. They are a bit stubborn but if you are looking at adult dogs chances are they'll be trained and less of a problem. I've had my beagle Katie for about 4 months and she's a handful but I love her to death. I'd highly recommend beagles as they love people and love to play.

    • Do some research on any breed you are considering. You can ask anyone on here what their suggestion is and their gonna tell you the breed that they have. Their dog is fun to them because they love them. Most breeds are fun and playful, but they need to fit in with your lifestyle to stay happy and healthy. Just google any breed you are considering. Some breeds are harder to train than others. Different dogs are suited for all different kinds of things. Do you just want a fetching-rolling over friend dog, or are you looking for something for agility or fly ball or another dog sport? Different dogs are suited for each and you should do some through researching on it so you and you pooch end up happy! Good Luck!!