What do I do with my dog???!!!?

My dog started wandering!!!We live on a farm and I go on a walk every morning with my cousin and my dog. But one morning he wasn't there and when we were on our way back home we saw her dog and my dog running towards us from some guys field.I heard that…

    What do I do with my dog???!!!?

    My dog started wandering!!!We live on a farm and I go on a walk every morning with my cousin and my dog. But one morning he wasn't there and when we were on our way back home we saw her dog and my dog running towards us from some guys field.I heard that…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What do I do with my dog???!!!?...

    • What do I do with my dog???!!!?

      What do I do with my dog???!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
      My dog started wandering!!!We live on a farm and I go on a walk every morning with my cousin and my dog. But one morning he wasn't there and when we were on our way back home we saw her dog and my dog running towards us from some guys field.I heard that when a dog starts wandering it's very hard to get them to stop. My dog is an Akbash/Miremma (which is supposed to be a livestock guardian). So I thought that We could get a small herd of something (like last year I was thinking about getting goats) to keep him busy. What would you suggest?Please please help me! Because my dad said that if he starts wandering and getting into other peoples livestock than we will probably have to shoot him and I really don't want that to happen.Of course I put him on a leash but I can't put him on a leash if he isn't there in the morning!O.k. you guys are missunderstanding me here.I put him on a leash while were on a walk. But I'm not going to chain him up at night if that's what you mean. That's crule. And we are not actually going to shoot him, my dad isn't that kind of person. He just said that to make sure we try our best to make sure he doesn't wander. And you can say mean things all you want but it doesn't affect me and it doesn't fix the problem.Yes he has been spayed.And quit talking about my dad like that you don't even know him.

      What do I do with my dog???!!!?

      What do I do with my dog???!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The best way to keep your dog from running away is to create a strong, healthy bond between the two of you. Spend time training her, walk her every day, and give her the attention she deserves. In essence, make sure your dog knows she's a beloved part of the pack.

    • If your dog is'nt fixed do that first. She may be looking for a boyfriend.also she may have found a nice meal, and is going back for more. find out where she goes if you can. if some one is feeding her ask them to stop. quick fix. use a leash.

    • If your dad knows a smidge of the law then he should know if he shoots that dog, it will land him in jail.Put up a fence to keep your dog contained. I have an invisible fence. I couldn't afford the actual metal/wooden fence but for me the invisible fence worked just fine. Just need to do some simple training.Either that or put the darn dog on a leash! Be a responsible pet owner!EDIT - Ok if you have him on a leash, it must not be secure enough for him to stay put. But by the way it sounded, the dog WASN'T on a leash the previous night. Check to see if the collar correctly fitted around his neck. Also if this dog isn't spayed/neutered, then they will try everything in their power to find a mate. I hope she/he is.Now I guess all of us are confused. You say your dad's gonna shoot him if he keeps wandering. Don't say horrible things like that then if it is not true because we are going by what you are writing. And you are not going to chain him up at night. Well why are you asking us for advice on how to keep your dog from wandering? When you decide to take an animal in you are assuming all responsibility. That includes preventing your dog from wandering into people's yards. Remember, if your dog roams into someone else's yard, THAT property owner has a right to shoot your dog. I don't think you want to happen. CHAIN HIM UP!

    • Getting him a herd sounds wonderful. It's always great to let your dog do the job he was born for. And if the goats bring in money, then your dad will like your dog better too. Great idea. I would also recommend taking him in the house with you at night, which is when he's most likely to start wandering; dogs love that time of day just before sunrise.

    • Its natural for dogs to wander if they are not fenced in.I lived out in the country, and my dogs would go for a long walk around the neighborhood, and out in the 100 acres behind me every day.They were just checking out what happened the day before - a dogs version of the daily newspaper. :o)They always came back, and for the rest of the day they stayed home.Now there are houses behind me, and more people in the neighborhood, so my dogs are fenced, and no longer wander.Just because a dog wanders, that does not mean that it will attack livestock. My dogs never attacked anything but a rabbit. I do understand your dads concern, though, because if a dog attacks someone elses livestock, the owner might insist that the dog be put down (or shoot him, himself).I think its a great idea for you to give your dog something do to, like take care of his own goats. But you do realize that you will have to train him, right?And how are you going to keep the goats in? They will wander too, if they are not fenced.Either way, you are going to need to do some fencing. That is what I suggest you do. That is the only way your dog will stay home 24/7.

    • Well fixing him might help some, he may not wonder as far. But the only thing you could do besides chaining is an electric fence. Or go out with him daily walk the perimeter of your yard or land. When he crosses the boundry line with a leash pull him back and say no or yard. Some word to associate him to your property. This is going to be very hard since he already took off. Plus he will have a blast chasing rabbits and deer. Other farmers will be shooting at him for running too. so its kinda cruel to let him run any where he wants.

    • Bring him in at night. You said you think chaining him up at night is cruel, so confine him in the house where he can be with you anyway. I really like the herd idea, if he has a herd to protect he will stay with them instead of being tempted to wander.