how can i get my parents to get me a small dog?

i have been looking a dog for 2-3years ..... i remember my mum saying that i can have one if it is a small one but she says she didn't and my dad likes dogs but just doesn't want one in the house. its not fair my mum had a dog when she was my ages and…

    how can i get my parents to get me a small dog?

    i have been looking a dog for 2-3years ..... i remember my mum saying that i can have one if it is a small one but she says she didn't and my dad likes dogs but just doesn't want one in the house. its not fair my mum had a dog when she was my ages and…...
    General Dog Discussions : how can i get my parents to get me a small dog?...

    • how can i get my parents to get me a small dog?

      how can i get my parents to get me a small dog? General Dog Discussions
      i have been looking a dog for 2-3years ..... i remember my mum saying that i can have one if it is a small one but she says she didn't and my dad likes dogs but just doesn't want one in the house. its not fair my mum had a dog when she was my ages and wont let me !

      how can i get my parents to get me a small dog?

      how can i get my parents to get me a small dog? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to do loads of reasearch to have a leak-proof reply to any excuses. Prove you will look after it- remember its not a toy and it's not fair if it's stuck indoors all day. Also if you raise the money to pay for it it'll prove you really want it. :)

    • i see what you mean- i was in the same situation! basically, i did lots and lots of research about dog care in general but also about the breed specifically. Like Charlotte said, you have to prove to them that you can take care of it. And make sure that before u chose your breed you know every little thing about it because most breeds have genetic problems, and be sure that you can cover all the costs!dont give up! there is always hope:) Good Luck!!

    • What does HER having a dog have to do with YOU having a dog? So she had one, big deal. Different times, different people, different circumstances - maybe HER parents believed they had the time/money and that she was mature/responsible enough for a pet at that age.Doesn't have anything to do with your family at this point in time. Doesn't have anything to do with wether or not YOUR parents believe the family has the time/money for a pet. Doesn't have anything to do with YOUR level of maturity/responsibility.And what does "fair" have anything to do with it?Stop whining. Act mature about it. Crying and stomping your feet won't make mom change her mind (and will in fact make her even MORE sure that you're not ready for a dog.)Find a way to prove you ARE ready for the responsibility of a pet - picking up chores, getting a job, volunteering at a shelter, helping out family/friends/neighbors with their dogs - all god ways to START proving you are responsible.