Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.?

My dog would go out of the gate. Is it okay to hit or spank the dog so it would listen to you and obey you?

    Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.?

    My dog would go out of the gate. Is it okay to hit or spank the dog so it would listen to you and obey you?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.?...

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    • Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.?

      Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.? General Dog Discussions
      My dog would go out of the gate. Is it okay to hit or spank the dog so it would listen to you and obey you?

      Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.?

      Can you still train a 3year old golden retreiver? my dog doesnt obey me when i say 'stay'.? General Dog Discussions
    • No, it's not ok to spank the dog. They have no idea why you are causing them pain.If you want to know how to train a dog, there is a lot of good information on the internet. Do your research and figure out what technique sounds suitable for you. A dog of any age can be trained. They simply need to understand what we want from them. Your dog obviously has no idea what "stay" means.

    • Spanking isn't something dogs really understand very well. Obviously it works or people wouldn't do it and advise you to do it, but there are better ways to get through to your dog that he'll understand more readily.Google NILIF training and Small Dog Syndrome (it applies to dogs of all sizes). Be sure your dog is getting enough exercise to begin with, as well. This will likely mean an hour walk or run every day.[Add] Remember that the most intelligent dogs have a mental capacity of, at most, a 2 year old child.

    • How have you trained the Stay command? Apparently it didn't work. I would find an obedience class and practice the lessons. Hitting the dog is not teaching. How well would you learn algebra if you were hit when you didn't understand?

    • You have to start teaching the stay command with minimal duration, minimal distraction, minimal temptation. I'm talking a 2 or 3 second stay where you walk a few steps away and then come back, and there is nothing around for the dog to get super excited about. Then you can build from there. It sounds like you are asking for too much too quickly and the dog has not been sufficiently conditioned yet.

    • What do you think your dog learns when you hit it? Basically only to fear the very person it should protect and adore.Goldens are exceptionally easy to train and the top winning dogs in the obedience ring, so evidently you simply haven't learned how to communicate with your dog and hitting it sure isn't going to work.Here is how to teach a "stay",.html

    • She probably doesn't understand what the word 'stay' means yet. You have to show her. It takes time.Put the dog in a sit. Praise. Say Stay and take a step back. If she moves, correct her by putting her back in a sit back in her original position. Try again. When she remains seated for a count to ten, step to her and praise her, don't call her to you.repeat and slowly move further away as she starts to get it.Then you can teach the 'come' command. Start with a sit-stay, move away. Give it a moment, then call her to you. Praise and repeat.Training is about consistent repetition. Not discipline.