Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me?

I already have a 10 month old large breed dog and she has always done really well with other dogs including a teacup chihuahua puppy. I feel that she is finally getting to a point in her training where we can get her a buddy. I also now work at a doggie…

    Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me?

    I already have a 10 month old large breed dog and she has always done really well with other dogs including a teacup chihuahua puppy. I feel that she is finally getting to a point in her training where we can get her a buddy. I also now work at a doggie…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me?...

    • Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me?

      Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me? Dog Breed Discussions
      I already have a 10 month old large breed dog and she has always done really well with other dogs including a teacup chihuahua puppy. I feel that she is finally getting to a point in her training where we can get her a buddy. I also now work at a doggie day care and get to see a wide range of personalities and breeds come through. I have fallen in love with pugs and boston terriers and all those goofy adorable flat faced dogs. My questions and concerns regarding the pug are:1. How will they (being a Velcro dog) do being left alone with another dog for say an 8 hour shift? I work at a doggie day care conveniently for now but I have to consider that this might not always be the case. I will be able to provide baby sitters and daycare some of the time but not always. (my other dog does fine when left alone)2. I know that pugs have some health issues to look out for but just how prone are they to getting sick? Are they a relativity healthy breed? 3. I have read that they can shed, a lot...would it be the same as say a shepherd or worse? My boy friend has allergies but doesn't seem affected by our akbash as we are often cleaning up after her. 4. I take my other dog for hour long walks daily and like to go to the beach etc. I have read that pugs don't do great in extreme weather...would a pug be ok at the beach if we found a shady spot I provided a hat + water..haha. Could I throw it in a back pack on the walks when it gets tired or should I just not bring it along for our outdoor excursions?5. Are they destructive or prone to being chewers? 6. Are they difficult to house break/train to pee outside? 7. Are they yappy/ do they bark a lot?If you don't think the pug is the right match for us what other small goofy breeds might we consider...although I am crazy in love with pugs!!

      Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me?

      Should I get a pug puppy? Is it right for me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • 1) I think it'd be fine. My pug stays home with her boxer brother alone all the time. She was the oldest dog, while her brother we just rescued last year. She adjusted to it well, and was less excitable when I returned home.2) Let's just say, I haven't had to make any visits to the vet unless it was her annual check ups. There pretty good dogs about not getting sick, but you still have to clean out those wrinkles every day or your just asking for some nasty bacteria. Some pugs also have a fondness for eating dog feces. Its usually due to a poor diet for the breed, and unless your on 24 hour poop eater watch, it'd probably be best to switch.3) I've never had a shepherd, personally. I think its a little better then them, but they do shed a lot. I often wear black, and have to have a lent roller on hand. I have bad allergies and am actually allergic to certain dog hair types, and I haven't had that bad of an experience so far. You never know, though. Might wanna let your boyfriend hold the puppy before getting it, see if he reacts.4) Pugs aren't good walking dogs. They over heat easily and have to take regular breaks. I live in a place with 106+ temperatures, and we usually don't get too far on walks until she has to rest. If you bring a steady supply of cool water and stop often, the pug should be okay. Pugs have breathing problems due to there squished in faces. Pay attention to your dog, and if it's having problems, take it home, immediately. I've known pugs to die just being left outside for less then an hour. 5) My pug has never done so. However, each dog is different. If your puppy starts to teeth on furniture, a sour or spicy spray such as Vet's best natural formals Bitter Cherry Spray, can discourage, and often prevents dogs from chewing or mouthing.6) Mine wasn't. Many dogs want to please their owners, and with rewards such as praise and treats, puppies can be trained in a few weeks.7) yes. Especially when strangers are spotted infringing on there territory. They usually stop after being introduced to the stranger, and socialization at a young age helps. I love pugs. They are perfect family dogs, but I can't go jogging with them like I can my boxer, who is an excellent exercise partner. Pugs are sweet lap dogs that will never leave your side once they love you. I hope I helped.