This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!?

the dog used to belong to a friend of my dads that was living here.. but she moved and left the dog here. so after 30 days doesn't the dog become mine? her boyfriend keeps coming over to feed the dog and doesn't tell anyone he is here! he is also…

    This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!?

    the dog used to belong to a friend of my dads that was living here.. but she moved and left the dog here. so after 30 days doesn't the dog become mine? her boyfriend keeps coming over to feed the dog and doesn't tell anyone he is here! he is also…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!?...

    • This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!?

      This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!? Dog Breed Discussions
      the dog used to belong to a friend of my dads that was living here.. but she moved and left the dog here. so after 30 days doesn't the dog become mine? her boyfriend keeps coming over to feed the dog and doesn't tell anyone he is here! he is also supposed to be in rehab for the YEAR cause he was on meth i think, but i don't feel safe around him and i finally told him to stop coming onto my property! he told me "im gunna whoop your ass!" that made me very mad! we have 3 pit bulls in the back yard, 1 turkish akbash, and my 1/2 boxer 1/2 bull dog! and the akbash im scared he is going to take for drug money! he jumps the fence and feeds all the dogs but we dont have that much money, and i feed and water the dogs EVERYDAY and he is coming around and feeding them after they have been fed!what is yall opinion!? what can i do!

      This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!?

      This guy keeps coming into my yard to feed a dog.. and never lets anyone know he is there!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Call the law immediately! Also there could be a chance because he has a problem with you, he could eventually poison your dogs. Take action before something bad happens to you, your home, or your animals.

    • The whole situation is questionable. A grown man (even one on meth) knows that it's not right to feed other peoples dogs. It sounds like he may be training the dogs to accept him so that he can return and either rob you, steal the dog, or kill everyone while they sleep. Post the "no trespassing" sign and call law enforcement next time he returns. I'm not sure about who owns the dog now, but the fact that he is on your property makes you responsible for the dogs welfare. You may want to contact your dads friend and ask her what she would like to do concerning the dog. She may want to pick him up or she may be okay with transferring care to the creeper hopping your fence. I know one thing, having 3 dogs is 3 times the work. The daily walks alone should be wearing you out!