What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

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    What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?

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    General Dog Discussions : What would you consider which breed of dog would be best for a 4year old and a 11 year old?...

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    • A pitbull. No joke. I have had these dog numerous times, and they could'nt have been better around my toddler cousing and younger brother. They are just the right size and in europe they are sometimes called nanny dogs from their sweet nature. Don't let bad misconceptions about the breed ( fighting, attacks from incompotent owners) eliminate this wonderful pet. If you do establish boundaries, these are the best dogs there are, but buy them as puppies, you never know what a older dog has been through, and pitbulls are the kind of dog that dont respond well to abuse! another dog to consider is a mutt from your local shelter. Save a life and give a dog that deserves the love a home, there are too many dogs being put down! Hope this helps you decide!http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/americanpitbull.htmmore info for you to look at :)

    • i would suggest a really stoic and friendly breed such as labradore retriever.big fun, cuddly. really nice dogs all round.however watch out for hip disease (get one whose parents have low hip scores) and watch the weight. they love food, and will get overweight if allowed.but love to play, love kids. do need exercise so they can go on lots of walks.but all round lovely dogs!

    • Hello! Picking a dog is something that requires a lot of thought. I'm glad to see you're thinking first before simply buying the most trendy breed.Consider the following questions: How much room do I have, both indoors and out? Does my yard have a nice, tall fence? How much time can I devote to walking and playing with the dog? How big a dog do I want? I grew up with Boston Terriers. They're a smaller breed (less than 20lbs usually), and they're very good with children. They have a lot of energy, but they also like to relax and just be petted. I have a black Lab now, and she's just wonderful with my 5-year old son. I may be slightly biased, but I think Labs are great with kids. Like some others have said on here, avoid the small toy breeds. They can be tempermental, and they view playful children as a threat. Good luck finding a dog!

    • Listen to Tear Drop and go to dogbreedinfo to take the quiz. Everyone is going to have a breed for you to love, but this site helps accommodate you and your lifestyle.

    • I wouldn't get a small dog, they don't seem to handle kids too well. Believe it or not, Rottweilers make very good kid dogs. But make sure that you find a breeder that has children too, and if you are not used to the "aggressive breeds" get a female. I had a female rottweiler that grew up with my twin daughters and all three of them where the best of friends. They would climb on her, use her to get on the counters, stuff like that. but on the flip side, she kept a very good eye on them, it was like having a nanny, she wouldn't let them crawl up the stairs, and one time, when they where outside playing, a strange guy came up and tried to talk to them, and my dog was quick to chase him away. unfortunate I lost her to cancer, but I miss her everyday and so do my girls.

    • A cocker spaniel is the best small family dog, in my opinion. The best large dog is the golden retriever. If you decide that you want a cocker please let me know, I know a breeder who has 2 from the last litter & is expecting another litter from her other female soon.

    • You have probably never heard of this breed of dog , but it is really popular with people who have horses.I have a 13 years old daughter and a 8 year old son.The dog is a Welsh Corgi, the dogs are small and have great personalities .they are low maintenance and they are not yappy. I have one and he is SO sweet. they are also medium sized dogs. good luck

    • What personalities do your children have? Are they boys or girls or do you have one of each? Age is only the most basic variable to give recommendations.I love terriers, but wouldn't recommend them to a family with a 4 year old. I think toy breeds are very cute, but wouldn't recommend them to a family where the youngest child isn't 8. I don't do this because I think the child will be mean, but if your 4 year old trips and lands on a 5 pound yorkie, it could be a disaster, while a labrador might see it as fun!That still leaves you with hundreds of dogs to choose from! I'd recommend a medium dog at the very least.1. Gun dogs/Sporting dogs: A broad mix. From the retrievers and spaniels to the setters, these breeds, if brought from a responsible breeder who checks for HIPS (do not buy from the newspaper please), you will have a happy, exuberant dog that loves to play. These dogs need plenty of exercise but make fine companions.2. Hounds- The sight hounds (Afghan, Saluki) need gentler homes, but the smell/pack hounds are fun. Beagles might work, Basset hounds are great for the relatively low activity family. Exercise needs vary- beagles will climb walls if not given plenty of exercise...Basset hounds need enough exercise to keep them in shape but not a lot. They can however be hard to train, especially if an interesting scent gets their attention.3. Working group: There are some potentially great family dogs here- Boxers, Newfoundlands, etc, but the trick is buy carefully and socialize extensively. Some working dogs are much too intense for most families.4. Herding dogs: Very intelligent, most need a lot of mental stimulation to thrive. A border collie, or sheltie will go nuts if left to find entertainment for herself. Most herding dogs have a tendency to nip at kids in order to "herd them". My pointers would be:1. Research dogs carefully. There is no one perfect dog, or one perfect breed. You have to find what dog works best for your individual family and then work with it to ensure it fits even better. Go to "yourpurebredpuppy.com" and check out her advice on breeds. Or get the book used on amazon- costs less than 5 bucks.2. Buy from a responsible breeder that tests her breeding stock for genetic issues and temperament. That way you end up with a dog with a stable temperament.3. Socialize extensively. Buy a book like "Good Owners, great dogs". Train your dog.4. Supervise your 4 year old. A 11 year old, if responsible can be trusted with a dog, a four year old, even a four year old cannot.Good luck. Hope you find a dog that works for you and your family.

    • Goldens are great kid dogs. They are smart, freindly and affectionate. they are easy to train and they love kids! Because they are big will can protect you kids and because they of their temperment they would never harm a child

    • You might want to try a golden retreiver! they are so playful, easy to train, and they can easily learn tricks! they arent hard to care for either. But i donno, little dogs are good for smaller kids too, your just have to be careful not to squish them! ;)

    • Labrador or Golden Retrievers are the best dogs with kids! We have a 13 year old female black lab that has been gentle with children from the first day we brought her home. She allows kids to climb all over her and she just loves it! She's a protective, smart, lovable, loyal dog.

    • Study all these answers because most of them are good and well thought out. I cannot add much to any of them, except to urge you to adopt an orphan at a shelter, usually a mixed breed, but sometimes you can find a purebred. Some dogs, like Dalmatians, are very high strung, and small dogs like chihuahuas are also not the best for a four year old. The good thing about an older dog is that you already know their personality. Go to a shelter. Peggy Ann Bliss, President Valentina Foundation, columnist Best Friends, San Juan STAR, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    • DON'T get a dog from the pound EVER!! if u have other dogs they can spread diseases and almost all dogs from the pound are sick!! i sugjest a Medium labradoodle. they are hypoalergentic and they are very gentle, they are really really smart, half lab, half poodle, they dont shed and they are supper cute!! the only thing is they can be expensive from 1,500-2,500 dollars, but its totally worth it!!!