How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks?

My dog is a 5 month old Sheltie Chow mix

    How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks?

    My dog is a 5 month old Sheltie Chow mix...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks?...

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    • How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks?

      How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a 5 month old Sheltie Chow mix

      How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks?

      How can you teach a dog sit and fetch or other basic things or tricks? General Dog Discussions
    • It will take alot 0f time practicing. for fetching, throw a ball a little ways away, then reward him/her with a treat. then she/he will catch on. Dogs learn from repitition.

    • work with them everyday just keep on throwing a toy to them make them start playing with the toy,after they are playing with the toy take it and throw it and they will want to go get it,it's usually easy to teach them things when they are puppys it really doesn't matter if they are a dog or a puppy just work with every chance you have to spare.GOOD LUCK!

    • Our dogs are between 2-4years old and I was able to teach them to sit, lay down and recently, how to roll over. I used doggie treats. Its something u have to keep at and never get mad or frustrated at them over when they arent doing it right. You have to keep it upbeat and simple. If its not fun for them, they wont do it. I would manuver their bodies into the position I wanted and then would praise them and give them treats when they did what they were asked to do. Just continue to praise them when they do something right and have fun with it. Good luck and have fun!!!

    • i just taught 2 great dane 8 week old pups to "sit" on command, try this: hold a yummy treat just over the head move it back toward the rump while saying sit. if they try jumping for it say no and repeat motion and command. dont give it till they sit!. do this a lot every day and you will have a dog that sits on command. soon you can do it with only a pat on the head as the treat.