Can the tip of a dogs tail die?

My dog is 4years old and the tip of her tail has begun to lose its hair and the skin has turned scaley. She finds it uncomfortable when you touch it and begins to lick it constantly. Is this due to the tail slowly dying or could there be another…

    Can the tip of a dogs tail die?

    My dog is 4years old and the tip of her tail has begun to lose its hair and the skin has turned scaley. She finds it uncomfortable when you touch it and begins to lick it constantly. Is this due to the tail slowly dying or could there be another…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can the tip of a dogs tail die?...

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    • Can the tip of a dogs tail die?

      Can the tip of a dogs tail die? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is 4years old and the tip of her tail has begun to lose its hair and the skin has turned scaley. She finds it uncomfortable when you touch it and begins to lick it constantly. Is this due to the tail slowly dying or could there be another reason?help!!!

      Can the tip of a dogs tail die?

      Can the tip of a dogs tail die? General Dog Discussions
    • If the tip of the tail sustained some type of trauma, then yes, it can slowly die. But for your dog it sounds like a skin infection of some type. Get her to the vet and have it checked out. He will diagnose the problems and provide you with some medication.

    • Absolutely--- a friend's afghan had swelling in his tail do to a condition that irritated his bones as he grew--- the swelling cut off blood circulation to the tail and they actually had to use hyperbaric chambers to save the tail-- ended up having to amputate the last vertebrae.So yes, entirely possible. If she got her tail pinched in a door or even stepped on badly it could have caused enough trauma to cut off blood circulation and cause the end of the tail to go necroctic.