Agressive neighbor dogs?

We are in a new neighborhood and don't have a fence up in our yard with our new house yet and neither do our neighbors. My dogs are well socialized and friendly to people and other dogs and obedient. I also keep them on a leash even though there is no…

    Agressive neighbor dogs?

    We are in a new neighborhood and don't have a fence up in our yard with our new house yet and neither do our neighbors. My dogs are well socialized and friendly to people and other dogs and obedient. I also keep them on a leash even though there is no…...
    General Dog Discussions : Agressive neighbor dogs?...

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    • Agressive neighbor dogs?

      Agressive neighbor dogs? General Dog Discussions
      We are in a new neighborhood and don't have a fence up in our yard with our new house yet and neither do our neighbors. My dogs are well socialized and friendly to people and other dogs and obedient. I also keep them on a leash even though there is no leash law in our city. We are out in the country. A few times the neighbor's dogs, when let out, have come charging out and across the street at my dogs and with me there with them. I have been very nice to them in approaching them about their dogs. The husband seems to think he has control over his dogs and continues to let them out loose. Any ideas how to handle this or is there nothing else for me to do. I do wait when I see their dogs outside before I go out with mine.I hope either we or they will be able to get a fence up soon! I'm also concerned of the influence these dogs might have on mine who have been use to other friendly dogs.I have a 4year old and a 6month old.We were the first family on our street before the other family moved in. There was no way to 'scout' that out.What is ASPCA?I have called Animal control and they won't do anything because of no leash law.I've spoken to to them about going on a walk, but schedules haven't worked out for that. I am working hard to socialize my dogs around other dogs that are better behaved.I have put myself in danger not allowing the other dogs to do anything to my dogs. I have stood there between them and my dogs and made myself look real big and growled and barked"NO!" at them right in front of the owner. If I get attacked, law suit! My dogs are show dogs. My male is intact, so is the neighbor's one dog. I don't think you can socialize intact males together no matter what you do.If it's bad manners, there still seem to be aggressive tendancies and shouldn't have to wait to let my dogs out, but that may be the case until a fence is put up.

      Agressive neighbor dogs?

      Agressive neighbor dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Call the ASPCA in your city about aggressive, lose dogs not on a leash. They will come out and file a report. Make sure you call them each and every time you see them out and not on a leash..Because they are aggressive they need to be on a leash every time they are out. The ASPCA will agree with you......

    • It's such a shame that you have very inconsiderate and irresponsible pet owners for neighbors. You should NOT have to wait to take your dogs out just because theirs are out. I would call Animal control and also file a complaint with your city.ADD:I know socializing dogs is a good thing, BUT, I am very careful with whom my dogs socialize with. Many people do not take proper care of their pets and I WILL NOT risk the health of my dogs. I don't need them getting mange, fleas, mites, worms or God know what from other dogs. Not to mention, I don't need the extra expense of trying to get rid of the parasites that other dogs may carry.You say you have show dogs and I'm sure you took that into consideration.

    • Ask your neighbour to join you for a walk with his dogs - meet them on neutral ground (local off-leash park?) and socialize them until they no longer feel threatened by each other. (You may have to meet several times.)This is an issue that should not be put off - my own dog was put in the same situation as a young pup and now shows enormous agression to any dog that approaches our (now fenced) yard, although she shows no such agression when out in public.

    • Are the dogs charging because they are truly aggressive or is it because they have no manners? If it's because they have no manners you can try to socialize your dogs with his. That way instead of feeling threatened by the neighbor's dogs charging your dogs will just recognize their friends. If they are truly aggressive or if there is any doubt in your mind that these dogs could hurt your dogs then I would take all necessary precautions to keep them separated. Try to talk to your neighbor or contact the animal control authorities in your area. If they will do nothing, erect that fence ASAP and make it a durable one (preferably a privacy fence so your dogs won't feel threatened upon seeing the charging dogs). In the meantime keep leashing your dogs while they're outside and don't leave them unsupervised while they're outside. Also make sure to socialize your dogs with other well-socialized canines. Although the six month old is more impressionable either dog can develop a behavioral problem because of bad interactions with these poorly socialized neighbor dogs.

    • I agree with the pervious post. You say that they come charging across the street but you have not said that these dogs have attacked your dogs. It seems that these dogs are simply lacking manners, not aggressive. Aggressive dogs would have attacked you/your dogs, but you don't say that.There is nothing better for dogs than to play with other dogs. Since you live outside in the country, why not allow them to play? Set up some play dates with the neighbor's dogs and arrange to have them "over" to wrestle and so on. Also, dogs that meet other dogs when on a leash behave very differently than when they are off-leash. your best bet is to continue to be nice to the neighbors and work on getting that fence up as soon as possible!