how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit?

Ok,I really want a baby rabbit but my mom says I have to buy everything for it including the rabbit.I'm to young to get a job,so what do I do????????

    how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit?

    Ok,I really want a baby rabbit but my mom says I have to buy everything for it including the rabbit.I'm to young to get a job,so what do I do????????...
    General Dog Discussions : how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit?...

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    • how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit?

      how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit? General Dog Discussions
      Ok,I really want a baby rabbit but my mom says I have to buy everything for it including the rabbit.I'm to young to get a job,so what do I do????????

      how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit?

      how do i persuade my mom to get me a rabbit? General Dog Discussions
    • Baby rabbits grow up, and they grow up fast.I have a female lion head mix rabbit that I got as a gift off my parents for Christmas 5years back, named Holly. My parents say they regret their decision, but deep down I know they love her :)Anyways Holly has caused alot of trouble on my neighbour hood, such as:- Terroising local cats, she chases them, and pulls out their fur for her nest.- She has chewed though multiple lawn mowers.- has dug burrows from my garden, into my neighbours.- Has nearly caused an car accident after she escaped from my garden and darted across the road.- has chewed every single plant in my garden.- has my own dogs and cats terrified of her.- wont key anybody but myself into the garden.- will charge at someone who "trespassed" into her garden and will bite at their legs.Doesn't sound like a Normal rabbit does she? When i describe what she does to other people they think in talking a about a German shepherd rather than a lion head rabbit.Anyways, if you can't afford a rabbit don't get one. They are an ongoing expense. They need a huge age, lots of running space, food, veterairy attention, etc. and if you don't work, then all of these expenses will be left for your mother to pay for, which wouldn't exactly be fair considering you want the rabbit, not her.Rabbits are social animals and so require company. My buns was a recsue and so she hates other rabbits, but most other rabbits love other buns attention so you'd have to get 2 at the least.You'll have to save up a hell of alot of your pocket money to afford a rabbit, I have a part-time job so I pay for my bunnys supplies by myself. Anyways, hope I helped.

    • Rabbits ae not hard to take care of. Their food isnt that expensive either. I use about one big back for 2 and a half weeks, and it varies. U can feed ur rabbit more veggies and hay than food. It does cost a bit to get started. U could maybe ask ur mum if she would give sme mone, or u could do odd jobs, or extra dhores to earn money.