I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ?

He is doing it about 6 times a say what.does that mean

    I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ?

    He is doing it about 6 times a say what.does that mean...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ?...

    • I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ?

      I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ? General Dog Discussions
      He is doing it about 6 times a say what.does that mean

      I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ?

      I have a papillon he is 5years old and he has been doing the reverse sneeze so much ? General Dog Discussions
    • I have pomeranians and they make a noise like that too. My vet said that in their throats they have a little flap and it shuts so when they make that coughing sound they are trying to open it. He said it was not serious. If that is what your dog has