My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and?

My dad and I took our dog (5years old, not spayed) to the vet wednesday and she was diagnosed with pyometra. We can't afford the $2000 surgery so we went with the pills. (clavamox & ciprofloxacin)This is not the route we wanted to choose but we just…

    My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and?

    My dad and I took our dog (5years old, not spayed) to the vet wednesday and she was diagnosed with pyometra. We can't afford the $2000 surgery so we went with the pills. (clavamox & ciprofloxacin)This is not the route we wanted to choose but we just…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and?...

    • My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and?

      My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and? General Dog Discussions
      My dad and I took our dog (5years old, not spayed) to the vet wednesday and she was diagnosed with pyometra. We can't afford the $2000 surgery so we went with the pills. (clavamox & ciprofloxacin)This is not the route we wanted to choose but we just don't have that money right now.The vet said her blood work came back pretty good and that her kidneys seem to be doing alright. Just a slightly high white blood count.She's been on the pills for 24hours now. Her appetite has increased and she seems to have more energy. It's just that I have noticed that the discharge has almost stopped coming out. Does this mean her open cervix could have closed?**I've read about this "CareCredit" credit card that my dad can apply for. He's hesitant because he's hoping that the medicine works. I've tried to explain the severity of pyometra but he just tells me to "have hope". I know she needs this surgery.If the antibiotics rid of the infection can we take her in for a regular spay?**If so, we would have to wait till november to get her spayed at the anti cruelty society near us. Even if the infection goes away, we don't have that much time, right?**This dog means the absolute world to me. I'm not sure what I would do without her.Please, if you're going to be rude, do not comment.

      My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and?

      My dog was diagnosed with pyometra and? General Dog Discussions
    • The fact that there is no more pus means the antibiotics are working and it means you are VERY lucky by the sound of it. Her appetite would not of increased if she was worsening. You must of caught this well in time so good job you took her to the vet when you did,. Yes she most definitely will need the spay operation before she gets her next heat cycle and this MUST be done otherwise you risk this happening again and next time you might not be so lucky.I have a friend in India going through the same thing and his b*tch has survived the pyo and now he has to take her on a 100 mile trip to be spayed. Hope she pulls through for you but you absolutely must book a spay... but that won't cost $2000 for sure.

    • Open pyo is much less dangerous than closed!It sounds like you got really lucky and the infection is already going away/gone.I would get her spayed as soon as possible. I don't understand why you think it's $2000 for her surgery but cheaper to spay. A spay is the same thing as an emergency spay (to fix pyo). Costs the same, maybe a $90 charge for emergency. I wish you and your dog the BEST of luck.