how to train my dog stop him from pulling@?

he is 2,5years old dog,but cant behave on the streets...

    how to train my dog stop him from pulling@?

    he is 2,5years old dog,but cant behave on the streets......
    General Dog Discussions : how to train my dog stop him from pulling@?...

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    • how to train my dog stop him from pulling@?

      how to train my dog stop him from pulling@? General Dog Discussions
      he is 2,5years old dog,but cant behave on the streets...

      how to train my dog stop him from pulling@?

      how to train my dog stop him from pulling@? General Dog Discussions
    • When you walk him make sure he is by your side, don't give too much slack on the leash at all. He pulls because he feels like he's the leader and goes where he wants.Have him at your side and when you start to walk, if he goes to pull immedietly stop and wait. When he stops trying to pull, start walking again. He'll learn that when he pulls it gets him nowhere, he can only walk on your terms.You could also try the head collar for a dog. When they pull with that on it automaticly turns their head to the side, they cannot get any leverage behind it to pull you.

    • The Best way is to buy a leash that is muzzle like and goes around his snout. It WILL NOT harm him and works great for training, within a week he'll walk right next to you everyday.Because the leash is attatched to his snout he will not want to walk in front of you because that would mean he'd have to walk forward looking backwards, and dogs don't enjoy that:]

    • Every time he pulls, jerk the leash back quickly, and stop walking. Don't do it so hard that it hurts him though! Since he's no longer a puppy it may take longer for him to learn, but he will eventually get the message.

    • If you Hold the leash real short and when he is not by your side walking you stop walking and tell him "no" and walk him by your side again. This shows him that you are in control not him. When he pulls you it shows him that he is in control

    • Every time he starts to pull, walk in the opposite direction. Slowly shorten the amount of leash you give him until he's at your side. Works every time for me!

    • I also have a 2 year old, Tara. She's been with me almost 2 months now and at first was impossible, even using some of the methods here.I got a Canny collar, recommended by my local RSPCA and it's like walking a different dog. It really works, give it a try.And good luck. (I now just need to stop Tara going crazy at other dogs)

    • Don't hold him "by the collar" as such, like really tight, cos all they want to do then is get away from you.When they pull, AS SOON as they pull, just stop, and as soon as they come back to you, carry on walking. Keep doing this (may take a while but long term effects are good) until they walk by your side. When they are walking by your side, hold a treat in your hand and keep praising them. Start off with short distances, and then go further. Keep this treat and give it to them after about 3 paces at first to show them its right, and then gradually build it up to seven paces, ten, etc.

    • Oh my gosh! My dog until this afternoon was a terror on the street... we tried the short leash, the stop start, the tug on the lead to stop, commands, treats etc. the puppy school recommended the Halti, so we got that a few days ago and just put it on him around the house for little bits at a time. today was d-day! we put it on him and had a wonderful walk. after the initial little fuss over it being on his nose, and working out if he pulls it closes his mouth (which apparently is the whole idea behind it, that dogs dont like the feeling of it) and some treats he walked on a loose leash by our side with no pulling and no stress. best walk ever! :) Hope you find a solution! If this hadn't worked i was ready to organise the private dog training! lol good luck though! Also we walked him in a place with minimal distractions ie, no people, no bikes, few birds... not much just a bush like track.