who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash?

there livestock dogs found in turkey,thanksps if wondering why asked because wanted to know who knew my rare dogs bread

    who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash?

    there livestock dogs found in turkey,thanksps if wondering why asked because wanted to know who knew my rare dogs bread...
    Dog Breed Discussions : who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash?...

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    • who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash?

      who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash? Dog Breed Discussions
      there livestock dogs found in turkey,thanksps if wondering why asked because wanted to know who knew my rare dogs bread

      who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash?

      who has ever heard the dog bread called akbash? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The house call vet I worked for had one as a client.. it was a very gentle sweet dog!! it is a resident of Maryland...EDIT: (Gail H) just to let you know how I felt about your stupid comment regarding making a 10 year old cry!!! I did nothing but tell the truth!! I am sorry if the truth is a bit harsh but its really the truth... there are so many people out there that have NO CLUE about breeding and if you read my answer I did tell the "poor little girl" as you call her, all the signs so that she could pass it along... I have voluteered at shelters and it SUCKS!!! I wanted to take each and every poor dog/cat/bird/rabbit etc etc home... but you cant and then you see them go onto thier last days and nobody wants them.. those are usually from BYB and if people would try and be ore informed then maybe just maybe I could help to get less of those critters put to sleep and more in homes!!! so get off your da*n high horse and get a grip of reality!!! I wish i would have noticed your post prior to it going to vote because I would have let you have it right there!!!

    • The Akbash dog is a large white dog originating in Turkey, where it is used to watch over the flocks of sheep and goats. The Akbash may reach heights of 29 to 33 inches. Despite its size, it is surprisingly agile and fast on its feet. They have two types of coats - a short smooth one or the longer version that grows six to eight inches long, especially on the mane. Both types are white, have coarse hair and don't get matted easily.This breed is a calm-natured dog, but can show ferocity when guarding the household or the livestock. They are very loyal and affectionate to their family, but aloof with strangers. There are only a few hundred Akbash Dogs in North America.