Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?

Hi, I have a 6year old yellow lab and recently he has stopped barking. I'm just wondering if its something that I need to worry about. He still growls and plays like he was a puppy yet. He had his monthly checkup about a month ago and is in perfect…

    Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?

    Hi, I have a 6year old yellow lab and recently he has stopped barking. I'm just wondering if its something that I need to worry about. He still growls and plays like he was a puppy yet. He had his monthly checkup about a month ago and is in perfect…...
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?...

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    • Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?

      Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, I have a 6year old yellow lab and recently he has stopped barking. I'm just wondering if its something that I need to worry about. He still growls and plays like he was a puppy yet. He had his monthly checkup about a month ago and is in perfect health. He has a severe fear of storms that has gotten worse with age. He also over the last few years became scared of guns and fireworks, which never was a problem when he was younger. He is not a hunting dog, just a pampered pet, that spends his whole time by my side. I know that most likely it could be his hearing, but he still comes when he is called and hears when people come down our driveway.I'm not sure if this will help, but he is the most friendly dog I have ever owned and his personality hasn't changed at all except of this not barking. Even when he's scared he isn't aggressive, just wants to have all 100lbs of him in your lap.

      Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?

      Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question? General Dog Discussions
    • Smart dogs like yours, tend to bark less as they mature, and learn when a situation is really worthy of a bark. But you mean he doesn't bark at all? Sounding an alarm, or to get your attention? Nothing?btw, I had a big dog who would face down any danger without flinching, but he was so afraid of thunder. Wouldn't worry too much about that.

    • there i probably nothing wrong with your dog because the some thing happend to my friends dog. they didnt kmow why. people told them that their dog just got tired of barking. but their dog was fine.

    • All dogs have different personalities, just like people if he doesn't like to bark then be thank full that you have a quiet dog my dog only barks when she is really scared. If he isn't acting like there is anything medically wrong with him then don't stress.