My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.?

He has been wandering away from home. He's 6years old and fixed and has never done this before. Acting confused when I find him. Urninating and defecating in the house. He used to follow me everywhere I went in the house now he doesn't do that any…

    My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.?

    He has been wandering away from home. He's 6years old and fixed and has never done this before. Acting confused when I find him. Urninating and defecating in the house. He used to follow me everywhere I went in the house now he doesn't do that any…...
    General Dog Discussions : My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.?...

    • My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.?

      My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.? General Dog Discussions
      He has been wandering away from home. He's 6years old and fixed and has never done this before. Acting confused when I find him. Urninating and defecating in the house. He used to follow me everywhere I went in the house now he doesn't do that any more. The vet checked him out, blood tests, xrays and what not. She says all blood work is fine and he doesn't have dementia. I'm really at a loss. He has arthritis and so to walk away like he does isn't pleasant. When I find him he's not playing with other animals just sleeping on the side of the road. I live in rural alaska so it's not dangerous for vehicles but moose are another story. Anyone ever had a similar problem or any ideas. I do think he may have been traumatized by going to a kennel for a week. Everything changed then.

      My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.?

      My newfoundland has been acting weird. It seems to coincide with his being sent to a kennel for a week.? General Dog Discussions
    • He probably is tramatized by the kennel. Poor thing. Your dog is most likely mentally scarred. I would suggest feeding him treats and giving him petting. In the kennel, they probably like him go to the bathroom wherever. Why does your 6 year old dog have arthritis? That's young for a dog. Overall, I suggest extra attention and rewards for good behavior.

    • Is this the first time he's ever stayed in a kennel? Have you ever boarded a dog here before? I would seriously question the care that was provided at this kennel for a dog to be that messed up afterwards I'd have serious concerns about the care he received. Mine have been known to stress out their first day because they think we have left them and that's normal, but they are perfectly fine when they come home, albeit really excited and very clingy the first couple of days but nothing to that extreme. I'd keep him inside to prevent him from wandering.My suggestion, don't board him at that kennel again.