Questions about pets:?

Hi! My first question is, how do I get my mum to get me a dog? My dad, sister and myself all want one, but my mum just won't let us! My second question is, I have a tortoise and I was wondering if there are any games I could play with him? He is a…

    Questions about pets:?

    Hi! My first question is, how do I get my mum to get me a dog? My dad, sister and myself all want one, but my mum just won't let us! My second question is, I have a tortoise and I was wondering if there are any games I could play with him? He is a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Questions about pets:?...

    • Questions about pets:?

      Questions about pets:? General Dog Discussions
      Hi! My first question is, how do I get my mum to get me a dog? My dad, sister and myself all want one, but my mum just won't let us! My second question is, I have a tortoise and I was wondering if there are any games I could play with him? He is a 6year old male and he loves dandilions :)Thanks, -Bryonii

      Questions about pets:?

      Questions about pets:? General Dog Discussions
    • Your mum is being realistic about the fact that she would end up spending a lot of time taking care of the dog. They are a ton of work and she has other things that she'd rather do with her time, like spend it taking care of you. Don't push the dog thing, and enjoy your tortoise. I've never heard of any particular tortoise games, but if he likes dandelions, you could play a bit of a hiding game, where the dandelion is somewhat far away and he needs to go get it.