Will my cat love me again?

My cat will be 6years old this July, and I've had him since he was a kitten. He was born to a feral mom. He's been with me his whole life, and has lived with several other pet siblings - other cats and dogs, and different homes. 3 months ago I moved out…

    Will my cat love me again?

    My cat will be 6years old this July, and I've had him since he was a kitten. He was born to a feral mom. He's been with me his whole life, and has lived with several other pet siblings - other cats and dogs, and different homes. 3 months ago I moved out…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my cat love me again?...

    • Will my cat love me again?

      Will my cat love me again? General Dog Discussions
      My cat will be 6years old this July, and I've had him since he was a kitten. He was born to a feral mom. He's been with me his whole life, and has lived with several other pet siblings - other cats and dogs, and different homes. 3 months ago I moved out of my last home and back to my mom's for a temporary stay... and she HATES animals :/ Yah... and wouldn't allow him to stay here. I found him a temporary home with my 2 guy friends, and their 2 kitties. I visit him 1-2 times a week, and every time I open the door to my friend's house, my kitty looks at me, and goes to run, or hide. My friends have rearranged their living room furniture so that he can't hide under the couch anymore. They also close the doors in the house, so that my kitty won't run to a room and hide under a bed. When I do get a hold of him and hold him, he seems ok and like my baby kitty, but then he starts growling. It's usually just that low growl. Today he nipped me a teeny bit. :/ I'm wondering if he'll EVER be ok with me again. I'm wondering HOW upset is he at me. My kitty and I used to sleep together. His face would be so close to mine that I could feel his breath, and his paw would be across my cheek. I was never afraid of him. I knew that he had a wild streak in him... but I was never afraid of him. Now I see him and I worry that he's going to be mean and hurtful. :( I don't know if he's just sad and upset, or if he is just over me. It'll be 4-5months until I can be fully with him again, and I am not sure what to do. One of my friend's cats apparently loves him and they are best friends and that friend doesn't mind my kitty. I know worst case scenario he would keep him... but that breaks my heart. I'm going to be moving across the country and would be taking him with me - ideally... and also into a new home... with 2 new kitties. Sighs... will he hate me again??I just don't know. :( I love him and don't know if he is just horribly mad, or loves me still. It makes me SO SO SO SAD :( Thanks :(

      Will my cat love me again?

      Will my cat love me again? General Dog Discussions
    • Well truthfully cats are very territorial and moving from place to place can be very upsetting for any animal as they adjust to their new surroundings and may not be all that comfortable with his new living arrangements. Some animals do not fair well with other animals in the house. When your kitty is upset..he is not upset with you but with his surroundings and feels unsure and probably not very safe. Cats do not like to move or travel much. Give kitty some time before moving him again. He will gain confidence and his attitude will change the more comfortable he feels in this environment. He will remain loyal to you and will always remember you...You just need to settle in one place and bring him back into your life...things will get better and life will be back to somewhat normal...Hang in there baby!!!!