Perfect breed for an elderly person?

My grandad and grandma recently lost there 16year old labrador and im thinking of buying them a puppy/or older dog to accompany there 7year old collie as he seems abit lost now without the company he had from a puppy. What breed should i look into…

    Perfect breed for an elderly person?

    My grandad and grandma recently lost there 16year old labrador and im thinking of buying them a puppy/or older dog to accompany there 7year old collie as he seems abit lost now without the company he had from a puppy. What breed should i look into…...
    General Dog Discussions : Perfect breed for an elderly person?...

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    • Perfect breed for an elderly person?

      Perfect breed for an elderly person? General Dog Discussions
      My grandad and grandma recently lost there 16year old labrador and im thinking of buying them a puppy/or older dog to accompany there 7year old collie as he seems abit lost now without the company he had from a puppy. What breed should i look into appropriate for them?Does breed matter?, they live in a spacious house and obviously spend alot of time at home, and can take the dogs out regularly. Does anyone know of any rescue places in london/england as im prepared to drive to places to find the perfect dog if needs be. Basically i need help! (p.s sorry for the lack of grammer im in a rush) =S ThankyouObviosly they want a dog!!, i wouldnt just randomly go out and buy one. Use your brain people.

      Perfect breed for an elderly person?

      Perfect breed for an elderly person? General Dog Discussions
    • they may have lost their dog.. but are THEY ready to deal with a puppy? Are they even wanting a second dog?Perhaps you should be sure they are wanting another dog.. if they are, take them down to a local shelter and let THEM choose the dog they want.Dont surprise your grandparents with a dog... much less a young puppy! They may have plans of downsizing to a smaller apartment or even a nursing facility once the current dog has passed away.. a new puppy may conflict with those plans.

    • Greyhounds are great for elderly people. They have high anxiety when left alone so they're really great for retired people. They're also very very calm and you adopt them instead of buy.

    • Don't make the mistake of giving a dog as a gift or picking out a dog for someone else. Your grandparents may not want another dog and if they do they need to pick out their own dog. If they want another dog and you want to pay for it for them great but they need to be the ones to pick it out not you.

    • Don't get them a Puppy!You really need to let them pick out a dog but here are some breeds to suggest to them:DachshundToy PoodleCocker SpanielMaltese PekingeseShih Tzu Or maybe just a nice mutt from the shelter.Good luck

    • Talk to them about getting another dog and have them and the resident Collie meet some prospects before deciding on one. The important thing will be that the new dog gets along with all three of them and won’t take the old folks to their knees on walks. I don’t know of any places around your town but the RSPCA should be able to help you.

    • Let them decide if they want another dog. Their older dogs have less needs than a puppy and since they are older they may not want to or be able to deal with a puppy. Shelters won't adopt to people who intend to give animals as surprise gifts because that almost guarantees the dog will be dumped or worse. If they express interest in getting another dog, then offer to drive them to shelters so THEY can pick out the right dog for THEM and offer to pay for the adoption fee.