sick dog symptoms please help? D:?

my dog is a maltese mix. he is about 7years old (im not quite sure) ive noticed hes been acting weird and it makes me sad too see him like this. we dont really hav money to take him to the vet but i will try my best.. he has been having diarrhea/…

    sick dog symptoms please help? D:?

    my dog is a maltese mix. he is about 7years old (im not quite sure) ive noticed hes been acting weird and it makes me sad too see him like this. we dont really hav money to take him to the vet but i will try my best.. he has been having diarrhea/…...
    General Dog Discussions : sick dog symptoms please help? D:?...

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    • sick dog symptoms please help? D:?

      sick dog symptoms please help? D:? General Dog Discussions
      my dog is a maltese mix. he is about 7years old (im not quite sure) ive noticed hes been acting weird and it makes me sad too see him like this. we dont really hav money to take him to the vet but i will try my best.. he has been having diarrhea/ vomiting . shaking. loss of appetite. and he stays in his house alot (doesnt come out) ... im scared for him :(( please help

      sick dog symptoms please help? D:?

      sick dog symptoms please help? D:? General Dog Discussions
    • ohhh I feel really bad for your puppy. My dog had the same thing about 2 weeks ago. we took him to the vet and the vet said it was a viral thing that is going around for many dogs. My grandma's dog has the samthing and my boyfriend dog too. there is not much you can do on your own because if you don't do nothing now your dog will have dehydration because all the fluids in his body are being thrown out by the vomiting and the diarrhea. go to the vet, they will only charge you not more than $110. they will give your dog a shot of fluids a shot to stop vomiting and some tablets to give to your dog to stop the of lucks for your dog. hope it gets well.

    • Call the vet - calls are free. They may be able to give you advice over the phone, or they'll let you know if the dog HAS to come in for an exam. Would be tons more reliable than people online, who may or may not be vet/vet tech.

    • Call the vet and tell them the situation. They may help you for little or no money. If you can get the dog help you should take him to the humane society or animal rescue group where you are from. If you can afford to help him you owe it to him to take him some where where he can get help. You also can be charged for "withholding proper care".

    • Check her gums should be bright pink, if not she is dehaydrated. She could have parasites. If she does not have vacciness and the pup has a very distinctive smell it can be parvo or distemper but I f it has blood in the stool it could be parasites (hook worms). Make sure she is not dehydrated and maybe if she has worm you can get dewormer. To me it sounds like dehydrated nbut that could be dangerous if not treated.Give her with a dropper pedyalyte, a bit not too much and deworm her. Call the vet and tell him that you do not have money if he thinks that you could deworm him and give him pedyalite.

    • Diarrhea/vomiting are symptoms of food poisoning. Maybe he has eaten something bad, like poisonous insect or licked some chemical like cleaners?Give him some delicious drink to allow him drink a lot to help flush out whatever is in his system.

    • No money, surrender the poor dog to your local animal shelter or rescue or have it euthanized, only 2 choices you have. Actually since you are only 15, your parents will have to have it done. Funny how people can afford computers and internet service, but not medical treatment for their dogs?

    • The symptoms you have described, when combined, require a vet. If it were just one or even two symptoms you may could try treating at home but with all of this going on, the dog is at risk of dehydration at least. Call your vet and ask about making payment arrangements. I know it is a bad time of year and things are tough all over lately. Still, we have to remember a dog is a living breathing animal and is going to need medical care from time to time just as we do.I do understand it is hard. At the same time, if this were your child, what would you do. The dog is a living animal and is dependent on you just as a child would be. Unfortunately, as I have seen first hand being in rescue, when times get hard financially, our animals are often the first to suffer. We have had many people in this area re-home their pets because they could not afford the care they need. Call your vet and ask if they will make payment arrangements for you. Other than that, you will need to call either the ASPCA or a rescue to try and get some help for your dog.Again, I know it is a bad time of year. I know mine always seem to get sick when I can least afford it, but I am all they have. So we have to bite the bullet and do what is best for the dog. I will list a site here that gives listings of groups that will help with vet bills under some circumstances, in case you need it.Good Luck and I will keep you in thought and prayer.

    • Here we go again. You didn't say how long he's been like this. You really ought to take him to the vet, but since most people who come on here are not wanting to spend money for their best friend's life and health and I care more about helping than what people think (or points for crying out loud); If he's vomiting and has diarrhea he's losing electrolytes and those need to be replaced to keep him from dehydrating, very, very serious. He can die from that, many have, including people who didn't go to the doctor. You need to do this for him even if you DO take him to the vet, because if you do, I'm willing to bet it won't be until tomorrow sometime, and this will help in the meantime. Take him off solid food for 24 hours, use an eyedropper or a syringe with no needle to get some Gatorade, Pedialyte or Power Aide down him. Just a little at a time, and wait at least 30 minutes before trying it again. You can, despite the claims of alarmists on here, give him Pepto Bismol to help the diarrhea and soothe his stomach. If you have a thermometer (rectal) you can take his temp and check to see if he has a temperature. If it's above 101, he's got an infection or virus his body is fighting.If he's not better in 24 hours, you need to get him to a vet. CareCredit, pawn, sell, but take him if you love him.