Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!?

Around xmas I thought one my moms outside dogs were pregnant. She didn't believe me saying she never got pregnant. Shes really old like 6-7years. So now she is finally showing, her nipples are really huge and so is her stomach area, and you can kind…

    Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!?

    Around xmas I thought one my moms outside dogs were pregnant. She didn't believe me saying she never got pregnant. Shes really old like 6-7years. So now she is finally showing, her nipples are really huge and so is her stomach area, and you can kind…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!?...

    • Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!?

      Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!? General Dog Discussions
      Around xmas I thought one my moms outside dogs were pregnant. She didn't believe me saying she never got pregnant. Shes really old like 6-7years. So now she is finally showing, her nipples are really huge and so is her stomach area, and you can kind of feel movement. I told my mom to let me take her to my house so she could be inside with the puppies. Since I don't think its right or healthy to have the puppies outside in the cold. My mom kept saying no blah blah. I don't know what to do, should I just take her anyways? Or is it ok if she has them outside, she has a wood dog house...My mom doesn't even care... What should I do!!? Also my mom expects me to get rid of them when they turn old enough :/ which i refuse! So if anyone wants puppies? :)Also, how far along do you think she is? :/ALSO! Don't leave any comments saying anything bad about me. It's NOT my dog, I don't even live with my mom. So don't leave rude comments saying I don't deserve dogs etc... :/It's also not really my moms fault. My older brother would always let the male dogs out with her (she has her own section in the yard)

      Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!?

      Dog pregnant..furious at mom!!? General Dog Discussions
    • The pups need to be born indoors or they will most likely die in this winter weather. The mom needs to be watched during labor, or she could die considering her age. She needs to be taken to the vet for a check up to make sure she can even safely give birth to the pups, or if it is safer for her to be spayed. She needs to be put on a high quality puppy food to help her and the pups.

    • Ask your mom if she has $2,000 for a high chance of needing a C Section? Does she want the dog dead? Show her all of this. If your mom doesn't care, just take the dog. She won't care.Edit: On second thought, don't bother showing this to your mom. She won't care.

    • I think if she expects you to have the responsibility of what to do with the puppies, then I think it would be best for you to handle the prenatal care. I don't know where you live, but I know here in the midwest and east coast it's been really bad blizzards out! There's no way those puppies will survive well in those conditions. How does your mom even own a dog if she feels this way? I would just take the dog until she has the puppies, let her take care of the puppies until they're old enough, and find nice loving homes for these animals.

    • She shouldn't whelp outside. Newborn pups are VERY vulnerable. Fleas could quickly kill them. Too much heat, too much cold, flies (causing maggots), Parvo, etc. There are all kinds of things that could kill off a litter of pups if she is allowed to whelp outdoors. She NEEDS to be brought inside. You need to let your mother know that it's not okay. What about being supervised during whelping? She could have complications. How would you or anyone else know if there is a retained placenta, pup stuck in the birth canal, etc? She needs an x-ray, and also a spay appointment set up.Second, it's unrealistic to think that you can keep all of the pups. You don't know how many she will have. I have seen dogs whelp 10-12 puppies. Even 5 puppies is really pushing it. Get them their vaccinations, and it would be best to surrender them to a reputable rescue agency or someone that will ensure they are also spayed and neutered.

    • You are right, the puppies really should be in out of the cold. However, as long as mom and babies have shelter they should be ok. Just make sure to keep an eye on them when it gets really cold and snowy, I would suggest a garage or a barn? Anywhere out of the snow. Just make sure that they are always warm, either mom is with them or they have somewhere out of the weather and they shoud be ok.

    • if she's your dog take her if not convince her to let you take her. No it's not good for the dog to be outside pregnant if she's not warm and definitely not the puppies. Do a little research, sit your mom down and explain it to her, then ask again if you could please take her your house. is a good place to post puppies and the more notice you give the better though you might want to post it a few times so it wont get forgotten.