Dog harnesses and pulling?

Ok so my dog has had an issue with pulling from the day I got her, she's a 6-7year old (she was in kennels after being abandoned so not 100% sure) and she's pretty big for a staffy bull terrier as she weighs around 25kg (she isn't overweight just big)…

    Dog harnesses and pulling?

    Ok so my dog has had an issue with pulling from the day I got her, she's a 6-7year old (she was in kennels after being abandoned so not 100% sure) and she's pretty big for a staffy bull terrier as she weighs around 25kg (she isn't overweight just big)…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog harnesses and pulling?...

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    • Dog harnesses and pulling?

      Dog harnesses and pulling? General Dog Discussions
      Ok so my dog has had an issue with pulling from the day I got her, she's a 6-7year old (she was in kennels after being abandoned so not 100% sure) and she's pretty big for a staffy bull terrier as she weighs around 25kg (she isn't overweight just big) so the pulling was a big issue for me considering I'm only 5ft 3. I did a lot of start stop training, sit and wait etc but I found outside training 10 times harder than inside as there is always something more interesting than me and she just doesn't bother about food outside. Basically it was improving a lot but there was still issues I always had her on a collar and lead and tried using the head halti but she would lie down and try and pull it off her nose no matter how long with her. I had a fabric harness that was just a standard one but it only helped relieve the pressure from pulling and didn't stop the act itself. The other day my friend bought me a leather harness thats really wide on the chest area and when I walked her with it on she did not pull one bit, it was a complete change, does anyone know why this is the one thing that has worked so well? i did check to see if it was rubbing anywhere but it's padded on the inside and when I had her off in the enclosed park she was running around so it isn't restrictive in that sense. Has anyone else used this type of harness and if so is it fine to use on a regular basis?

      Dog harnesses and pulling?

      Dog harnesses and pulling? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, its 100% fine to use on a regular basis for walking. You do however want to consider getting one that fits properly, because eventually it will start rubbing. Make sure that you take it off at night, and when your not going to be walking him for more than an hour. Also, I know some people thing training colors are bad, and cruel, but they aren't. They are merely uncomfortable and will stop the pulling in a hurry.

    • Note: Harnesses were made for PULLING!! It was never made for making the dog NOT pull!!! If you want your dog to walk right next to you do not use a harness! Get a choke chain if the dog doesn't listen. A staffy above 25kg isn't a saffy anymore. It's probably a pit or something. Staffies do not get so big and they weight max 17 kg. I'm a dog trainer and what works best is the choke chain. If a regular collar doesn't work then a choke chain will work. I have had some dogs that choke themselves and pass out but I don't think yours will do that. What you do is put the choke chain on, you raise it to the highest point on it's neck. Then you give the command to walk and when you see that the dog starts pulling you quickly tug the leash to your side, Do not lift it up or tug it any other way. Just give it a quick tug to your side. You are redirecting your dog to walk next to you. Try doing that when going on walks or inside the house/yard. Remember that when you leave the house you need to make your dog sit and make sure you are the one that leaves the house first. Your dog needs to know that you are walking her and not her walking you. And timing is the key! Each time she tries to pull, tug the leash to your side and redirect her next to you, make her sit next to you and then you start walking again.In the end she will know who is walking who. Good luck training :D