i was thinking about moving house with my dog!?

well i am moving to another house in the next 5 months and i m going to take with me my 7years old german shepherd dog!until now she lived outside the house and i am going to take her live inside with me!!how can i make her feel ok and comfortable inside…

    i was thinking about moving house with my dog!?

    well i am moving to another house in the next 5 months and i m going to take with me my 7years old german shepherd dog!until now she lived outside the house and i am going to take her live inside with me!!how can i make her feel ok and comfortable inside…...
    General Dog Discussions : i was thinking about moving house with my dog!?...

    • i was thinking about moving house with my dog!?

      i was thinking about moving house with my dog!? General Dog Discussions
      well i am moving to another house in the next 5 months and i m going to take with me my 7years old german shepherd dog!until now she lived outside the house and i am going to take her live inside with me!!how can i make her feel ok and comfortable inside the house!how to teach her some rules?what are these rules has to be?is she going to get stressed with the moving?how can i avoid stress her?what about potty training....she used to poop at the yard (i know disgusting...) how can i learn her poop outside!should i let her get on furniture or only on the floor!!?????please help!is she going to bark as much as she do now while she lives outside???

      i was thinking about moving house with my dog!?

      i was thinking about moving house with my dog!? General Dog Discussions
    • Moving from an outdoor dog to an indoor dog is normally an easy transition. As you know, your dog loves to be near you, sleep near you, hang out with you, etc. All of those things are better for the dog when it lives inside.First, you CAN teach an "old" dog new tricks. Consider all the people you have known with house dogs and the things you approved of the dog doing. That would mean the dog stays strictly off the furniture, floor only as you say. You may need to train your dog to go to the door when she needs to potty or she may do it by herself. Try to note before you move roughly what time of day she goes poop. After you get to your new place, let her outside for a half hour or so at that same time. If you won't have a yard, then pick that time for your walk. (There's a whole new set of etiquette you need to learn re walking your dog and her poop, i.e. always take a pooper pickup and clean up after her. Nobody wants to step in your wonderful dog's poop or have to look at it near the sidewalk.)If she poops inside the house, take her to the poop and make her look at it while you tell her firmly how mad you are at her for doing that, then put her outside or leash her up for her walk. She loves you heart and soul and does not want you to be disappointed with her. She'll likely get the idea very quickly.She will likely feel comfortable anywhere that you are. If you have been to your new location before you move her in, say maybe moving your stuff in, she will smell you and know that she is "home" and will not likely be stressed. Your worst times are her getting used to being there alone when you work or whatever you do. If at all possible, start her with short time periods of being alone, so she knows you haven't abandoned her. Start with maybe only 15 to 30 minutes, tell her a cheerful goodbye. I have never been a big believer in dog "beds" they kinda like to make do. I also love to have my dogs sleep right next to me on the floor beside my bed. They usually like that, too, but hardly ever stay the same place all night. She will probably move among beside you and one or two other sleeping places during the night. These often seem to be related to cooler or warmer spots.It's clear you love you and care about her well-being, so I don't think she will be stressed. I am, as I mentioned above only concerned about when you have to leave her alone. Work on the short time period and build up to an entire work day. Maybe even while you are getting started at first if you could come home at lunch to say hello to her. That is the main issue with barking, too. She will likely bark when she's alone which can be a huge problem in apartment buildings. If she barks now already, that's not a good, thing, but the positive thing is there is likely less to get her started barking inside than out.Good luck with your move and your doggie. God bless you for caring enough about her to ask others' advice and opinions before you move.