Why is my dog so nice?

Well my dog is about 1 year old [7years old] and well I think he [obviously right here that you know my dog is a boy] is very nice. Okay let me get straight to the problem. [He isn't neuter.] Don't bark usually, not even to strangers. [randomly barks out…

    Why is my dog so nice?

    Well my dog is about 1 year old [7years old] and well I think he [obviously right here that you know my dog is a boy] is very nice. Okay let me get straight to the problem. [He isn't neuter.] Don't bark usually, not even to strangers. [randomly barks out…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog so nice?...

    • Why is my dog so nice?

      Why is my dog so nice? General Dog Discussions
      Well my dog is about 1 year old [7years old] and well I think he [obviously right here that you know my dog is a boy] is very nice. Okay let me get straight to the problem. [He isn't neuter.] Don't bark usually, not even to strangers. [randomly barks out of no where and most of the time quiet, he just stares..]Don't growl [never not even a little one]and there is more, but I am curious about these things above. So may you please tell me anything I need to know. Why is my dog acting like that. Is he really nice? And another thing. Why does he seem to like my brother more. I take care of him, and play with him. Yet my brother never do that, so why does he seem to follow him? I am just here wanting to know, so if you may please tell me. Anything that I need to know why he is acting like that. Thank you for those that helped me. God bless you all. :)

      Why is my dog so nice?

      Why is my dog so nice? General Dog Discussions
    • Guys hang out with Guys. Ur dog loves you but he just tends to follow a more masculine kind of person. its what works best for Him.Dogs do not have to be neutered to be nice. its just his personality.Nearly all of my Male dogs over the past 15 years have been extremly nice. i have never neutered them. we just share mutual respect. some of them have been a bit nasty..but its just how their personalities are. dont worry about it. ur dogs fine and you know it.

    • you're dogs fine i have a female chihuahua and she does the same thing hangs out with my uncle allot turns out my uncles been feeding her scraps of food witch is what i hate because its too much fat for her so that's why your puppy hangs out with your brother allot he probably does the same to your puppy feeds him food from the table and just got used to following him around looking for if he drops even a tiny scrap of food hope this helped.