Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother?

I rescued my kitten 3 months ago, when she was around 3 weeks old and she wasn't weaned yet(mom was hit by a car, I found her on side of road) so I had to get the kitten formula and bottle feed her, but the problem now is that she thinks I am her mother…

    Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother?

    I rescued my kitten 3 months ago, when she was around 3 weeks old and she wasn't weaned yet(mom was hit by a car, I found her on side of road) so I had to get the kitten formula and bottle feed her, but the problem now is that she thinks I am her mother…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother?...

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    • Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother?

      Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother? General Dog Discussions
      I rescued my kitten 3 months ago, when she was around 3 weeks old and she wasn't weaned yet(mom was hit by a car, I found her on side of road) so I had to get the kitten formula and bottle feed her, but the problem now is that she thinks I am her mother and she keeps trying to nurse from me, she'll lay down next to me on the bed and start kneeding on me and next thing I know my shirt is all wet, she does it on my side and if I'm covered up she'll do it on my shirt sleeve,never on my chest(thank goodness) how do I get her to stop this because I usually wake up from her nails when she's doing the kneeding thing. Also, she does it to my clothes if I leave them laying on the floor.I try pushing her away,but like I said she does it mostly at night and while I'm sleeping, I tried shutting out of my room at night but she carries on so much that I can't sleep with her crying all night, good thing my Malice is soooo darn cute.

      Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother?

      Help with kitten, she thinks I'm her mother? General Dog Discussions
    • well in a sense you are her mother and you should be happy that she loves you so dearly...dont worry once she gets a little older she will grow out of that ...i rescued a 2 day old little guy who used to do the same thing now he weighs 20 lbs and he is so sweet and loving but he doesnt do that anymore

    • Well since she wasn't weaned by her mother, and was fed milk by you when she was a baby, she probably got attached to you and thinks of you as her mother. What I would do for the time being is bottle feed her for awhile. After awhile, find a replacement mother for the kitten to nurse from. The kitten is still young so she could adapt to having another cat mother. She won't be comfortable at first, but find a cat mother that has alot of milk and is healthy for the kitten. If you can't do this yourself, get a vet involved so he/she can help you. :]EDIT: But you can try the method of pushing the kitten away if she hasn't grew older. >.<Hope I helped!

    • I also have a kitten that does the same thing. She was about 4 or 5 weeks old when I got her from a nearby farm. She tries to nurse off me, my husband, my children and yes, even my English Bulldog and Black Pug! I actually have pictures of her trying to nurse off of my Pug.I was told that she does this because she was taken from her mother too early. Her trying to nurse has gotten really, really annoying, and painful. So, when she tries to nurse, we push her away. She's now starting to learn that we are "Not The Mama!"

    • I have a kitten that's about 2 1/2 months old, and he likes to nurse everything from the corners of magazines to a little toy mouse I bought for him (he nurses it's ears and feet).You can try giving him an alternative thing to nurse on and see if maybe he'll prefer that over you. And everytime he tries to nurse you, just get up and walk away from him, the way a mommy cat would do when they wean their kittens.

    • my adult cat does that sometimes. i would embrace it. she will outgrow doing it all of the time, but will likely still do it sometimes. i call it "making kitty bread"

    • A kitten that is almost 4 months should be completely weaned. So i agree if you just keep pushing her away and just not letting her do it she should get the idea eventually.

    • Forgive me for laughing but your cat is acting normally. that's what cats do. They are very affectionate its your cats way of letting you know she loves you. kneading just means shes happy to be with you. Something I learned about cats is they are very smart. If you talk to her/him on a daily basis they respond just like dogs. I have two cats both follower me around the house, come to me if I call their names, one sleeps in the room with me the other outside my bedroom door like a watch dog. My cats ages are 15 years old & 7years old. both still knead

    • Sorry, but that's kind of cute. She nurses because she feels safe with you. Have you thought about getting her some company? Our kittens nursed with their mum for 9 months.

    • Generally this behavior will stop (or at least slow waaaay down) as they get older, but I have an 8-year old cat that still kneads when she is feeling a lack of attention. I got married at the first of the month and there was a lot of people and commotion, and since then, she has been kneading more, and is really in my face when I come home. I think they just need reassurance and love, just like people. She doesn't drool much when she kneads any more either, so at least that should get better.

    • You shouldn't push her away. She doesn't know. If she doesn't have teeth yet then there isn't much you can do except put the formula in a bowl for her and set her in front of it. Or you can get the canned cat food. The mushy kind. Try both.