my dog has a bare patch on her back end.?

It looks like it would hurt, I get paid tonight so tomorrow if no improvement she will go to the vet. she is 7years old, always healthy (the vet said she is as healthy as a 3year old) I don't know what happened, she was walking with my kids and when they…

    my dog has a bare patch on her back end.?

    It looks like it would hurt, I get paid tonight so tomorrow if no improvement she will go to the vet. she is 7years old, always healthy (the vet said she is as healthy as a 3year old) I don't know what happened, she was walking with my kids and when they…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog has a bare patch on her back end.?...

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    • my dog has a bare patch on her back end.?

      my dog has a bare patch on her back end.? General Dog Discussions
      It looks like it would hurt, I get paid tonight so tomorrow if no improvement she will go to the vet. she is 7years old, always healthy (the vet said she is as healthy as a 3year old) I don't know what happened, she was walking with my kids and when they came home I noticed it. I put some dog anti-inch spray on it and she has left it alone.IS their anything I can put out on it to keep it clean today? it was not bleeding, it seeped some blood but nothing major, the patch is about the size of med. sized persons fist.

      my dog has a bare patch on her back end.?

      my dog has a bare patch on her back end.? General Dog Discussions
    • This may be a "hot spot" (because it feels warm and feverish) which is usually caused by an allergic reaction and followup scratching. Just saw some on a friend's dog after it had eaten a certain kind of new-to-it dog food. Have the vet check anyway because it could be from a bite that might get infected.

    • This happened with my dog and was caused by her biting at her skin due to a reaction to some flea bites. You should take your dog to the vets for topical treatment of the area and identification of the cause.ETA-I agree that RAW is the best diet for dogs however diet is not the only cause of skin irritation.

    • Get your dog on a proper diet. The skin issue sounds like a food allergy. Many vets will blame it on things like fleas since they usually sell Science Diet (NOT a good food). The last thing they want is for you to realize that it's probably food related your dog on a RAW (meat, bones & organs) diet and that skin issue will clear up. Plus your dogs teeth will get a free daily cleaning