How to teach a old dog new tricks?

Ok long story short we are taking care of my grandparents Cacapoo and it’s ill-behaved. She is 7years old and DOESN’T LISOM. I loved her at first that was 2-3weeks ago when we got her. She was 25 pounds and now is 21 I haven’t wade…

    How to teach a old dog new tricks?

    Ok long story short we are taking care of my grandparents Cacapoo and it’s ill-behaved. She is 7years old and DOESN’T LISOM. I loved her at first that was 2-3weeks ago when we got her. She was 25 pounds and now is 21 I haven’t wade…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to teach a old dog new tricks?...

    • How to teach a old dog new tricks?

      How to teach a old dog new tricks? General Dog Discussions
      Ok long story short we are taking care of my grandparents Cacapoo and it’s ill-behaved. She is 7years old and DOESN’T LISOM. I loved her at first that was 2-3weeks ago when we got her. She was 25 pounds and now is 21 I haven’t wade her lately. She is need gain to go to 15pounds. Ok she, when living with my grandparents was feed people food-she eats dog food without a problem now. She got away with anything. Like begging, eating/ripping up paper objects, seeping all day/in bed, being on the furnisher, she doesn’t lesson to “come” “coco Come” “Stay” does to “good girl” and partially to “No” . Then at night she, I do have my door shut to where I think she can’t get in and she gets in somehow, I don’t like my door shut, and jumps on my legs and sleeps there on my bed I try to push her off though I’m half asleep.My mom and I have been scolding her. We have 2 other dogs a German shepherd named Cloey who is 4 and a tarer mix named Heidi who is 15. Oh and Coco is always trying to steal their treats.Ya my greanparents took her to dog school I dont know what kind but they gave here treats ALL the time too for no reason and we give our dogs them like if there good or when there going to bed

      How to teach a old dog new tricks?

      How to teach a old dog new tricks? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't speak English, so you can't expect her to understand stay, come, sit etc..when she hasn't been taught those commands. Not her fault! You can totally teach an old (although seven is not old) new tricks. Teach her just like you would a puppy. Good luck and be patient with her. She just hasn't been taught how to act...yet :)

    • Train her as you would any other dog, with love and positive reinforcement. You can train an older dog, it just takes longer. Start from the beginning with training, like you would a puppy. Take her to dog training classes. Use repetition and positive rewards. don't scold, it doesn't work. When she does what you want, reward her in some way. When she does something you don't like, tell her 'no' in a forceful voice; but don't punish her. If she wanders at night, try putting her in a kennel where she can't get out. Make it her 'special place', not a place she goes when she's naughty. It will take time and patience, but 7 is not too old to learn.

    • give her a lot of attention. also, give her compliments & treats when she listens to ur commands. Be strict when she doesnt. she needs to learn ur her boss. of u want her 2 sit, push firmly (not harshly) &say also firmly, "sit." thn, if she listens, pat her, & say what a good dog she is... dogs crave compliments.