Have you seen....?

I lost my blonde(yes blonde) labrador retriever a week or so ago, (in Warr Acres, Oklahoma) She was wearing a blue collar and she is 7years old, I will do anything to get har back! Please help! me! If you haven't seen her...do you have ideas on what…

    Have you seen....?

    I lost my blonde(yes blonde) labrador retriever a week or so ago, (in Warr Acres, Oklahoma) She was wearing a blue collar and she is 7years old, I will do anything to get har back! Please help! me! If you haven't seen her...do you have ideas on what…...
    General Dog Discussions : Have you seen....?...

    • Have you seen....?

      Have you seen....? General Dog Discussions
      I lost my blonde(yes blonde) labrador retriever a week or so ago, (in Warr Acres, Oklahoma) She was wearing a blue collar and she is 7years old, I will do anything to get har back! Please help! me! If you haven't seen her...do you have ideas on what to do? Besides flyers....I had just recieved a tag for her(new and updated) about a week after she left!

      Have you seen....?

      Have you seen....? General Dog Discussions
    • First let me say sorry for your loss. What I find works best...-Contact your local shelters and report her missing.-Keep in contact with them but don't just call, stop in on a daily basis. Look around. What you call a blonde lab an over stressed shelter volenteer may be calling a pit bull mix. (hey you never know...)-Take out a 'lost & found' add in your city paper. Usually fairly inexpensive and will reach a lot of people. -flyers. Super markets, pet stores everywhere. But not just in your neighborhood. You can't be sure how far she has travled. Good luck...

    • NOT "blonde"-YELLOW!Flyers,call ALL pounds & ALL vets & shelters & the local radio station & the POLICE & schools & even check the trash-haulers! THEY might have picked up a carcass & are out everywhere.I found an old,blind,crippled chihuahua last year & had it for a WEEK before it's MORONIC owners thought to call the pound! DUH????

    • Don't call your local shelters...GO TO THEM! Countless times, owners have called shelters and been told their dog is not there. When the person goes to the shelter, lo and behold their dog IS there.Shelter people often haven't a clue what breed you are talking about on the phone and just say, 'No, not here, we'll call you if it comes in.' But they never do.GO to your local shelters once a day and walk through the kennels.Contact Lab Rescue in your area and ask them if they have had the dog turned in. Ask them to put the word out that your dog is missing. Send pics.Contact your local police department. Ask if anyone has reported your dog hanging around in any area.Sadly, contact DPW and ask if they have picked your dog up off the road.

    • Did your dog not have tags on her collar to help her find her way home? You should post a picture of her here. Also, place a lost ad in your local paper. Call animal shelters and veterinarians and describe her to them , or better yet fax or e-mail them a picture so that if she happens to show up at either they can contact you.Also, post that you will offer a reward, but NOT an amount. Unfortunately people tend to care and pay a little bit more attention to something if they might possibly get something out of it.And if you do get her back (which I hope you do) GET SOME TAGS FOR HER COLLAR!Good luck!

    • I am sorry for your loss and sincerely hope your find your family member and get her back home as soon as possible. Some ideas for finding a lost animal are:Place flyers all over the place, not just in your local area, but throughout the area where you live. Post them in stores, laundromats, post office and everywhere else that are high traffic areas for people.Call all you local shelters and see if they have received your dog. This is also a good place to put flyers.Call you local animal control and alert them to the fact that your dog is missing. They will most likely take your name and number, and if they get calls about a roaming dog matching your dog's description, they can get in touch with you. Alerting your local police force might be a good idea as well.Place an ad in the newspaper, on craigslist, and any other internet site you can find that does that kind of thing.Good luck and I hope you loved one is found safe and sound and back home with you soon.

    • I got my dog back after 12 days, by getting the local radio station to announce the missing dog..Contact ALL shelters within your county..Call all local vets...they do keep a list of missing dogs..Post the flyers around school yards, with a pic of the dog,, whether it is handrawn or photo, as kids can't resist looking at the pic..it doesn't have to be a good one, and kids know everything about who has what stray dog....Post a notice in groomers shops, feed stores, and pet supplies...Now, when my friend lost her dog, she really meant it when she said she would do anything to get him back..we walked door to door, in the snow, for 3 freezing days! we left a card with description and phone number at every door, whether they were home or not..Went to all schools and talked to the authorities to get permission to put the color flyers in the hallways..We tacked up over 500 flyers..all over town, and she finally got a phone call on the 4th day..someone had taken him, and wanted $500 reward...she didn't have much money, but she managed to dig up enough by selling some things, and she got him back...

    • Be sure to physically walk through your local shelter at least every three days. Take your flyers to police and fire station - These people are out and about all the time. Mailmen, pizza delivery give them a flyer. I live in the inner city and you can get the crack heads to search for her. You wouldn't believe what they will do for 20 bucks.