Am i over reacting?..........?

We went to the dog shelter and we say this little dog named teddy. We were going to get him but the info lady said he is not good with younger kids i have a very calm 6 year old daughter we adopted. Soo we went back the next day to choose another dog and…

    Am i over reacting?..........?

    We went to the dog shelter and we say this little dog named teddy. We were going to get him but the info lady said he is not good with younger kids i have a very calm 6 year old daughter we adopted. Soo we went back the next day to choose another dog and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am i over reacting?..........?...

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    • Am i over reacting?..........?

      Am i over reacting?..........? General Dog Discussions
      We went to the dog shelter and we say this little dog named teddy. We were going to get him but the info lady said he is not good with younger kids i have a very calm 6 year old daughter we adopted. Soo we went back the next day to choose another dog and teddy was getting adopted by a 7year old hiper little girl who was practically strangling the dog. I got really mad and i want to wright a letter saying how disappointed i am and who the lady flat out lied that the dog can not be around kids. Do you think i should just let it go or wright the letter.We ended up not getting a dog yet because we were so disappointed. and when we do end up getting a dog were are going to a different dog shelter.Ok i think it is un fair because i was there twice looking at that dog and getting papers and she told me that the dog was not to go home with a person with a child( teddy was very sweet with my child when we went in to the visting room with him). And they do let people adopt dogs that have any age kids.They also come to your home and see if you are fit for a dog and my home was fit for a dog i was approved for any small to large dog.I really fell in love with teddy

      Am i over reacting?..........?

      Am i over reacting?..........? General Dog Discussions
    • I would not say 'flat out lied', since the notice would have been on the dog's card by his cage. What I WOULD complain about is the fact the information was not given to the second family when they were there adopting. I'm betting the dog will be returned first time he takes a nip at the kid for pushing his limits.You can phone or mail a letter, but address it to the manager of the shelter.

    • This is sad but true. Some shelters have rules that say they can't let a family have a dog that has children 6 and under. This is probably the reason. That one year difference in age. Go figue, but a rule is a rule. That's the only thing I can think of. If it makes you feel better to write the letter, go for it, but it really won't do any good now that the dog you wanted was already placed in another home.

    • Don't be mad she is just a kid and every kid needs a dog. Besides, dogs can grow to like kids. It's too sad you didn't get him but don't give up. P.S. my dogs name is Teddy!

    • You can't expect fairness or 'rights' in that situation. it's their shelter, their dogs, and is run on their rules by their own people. As you won't be adopting from there, it would not hurt to write their chairperson a letter outlining what has happened, why you think it was unfair, and what you would wish to see done about it.