my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod?

my dog is due for her period and instead of normal bright red blood shes having dark macus hanging from her vagina

    my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod?

    my dog is due for her period and instead of normal bright red blood shes having dark macus hanging from her vagina...
    General Dog Discussions : my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod?...

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    • my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod?

      my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod? General Dog Discussions
      my dog is due for her period and instead of normal bright red blood shes having dark macus hanging from her vagina

      my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod?

      my 8year old pitbull is having a dark brown discharge out of the area where she has aperiod? General Dog Discussions
    • First: Dogs Do Not have periods, they have heat cycles which is the total opposite of a period.If she has a brownish discharge, you may want to have her checked by a vet since this could be a sign of a very nasty infection.

    • Unspayed females have a high chance of developing uterine infections. She really needs to be seen by a vet asap...this can be a life-threatening condition and she may have to have an emergency spay.

    • First off....Joshua you are a complete idiot. People like you should be exterminated.Secondthats tough, being as though she is getting older this may be a normal part of her aging. I would definietly call your local vet, or just bring her in. She may have an infection.