I would like to get a other dog?

Hi, you see I had a dog for 8years, in october the poor little guy got hit by a car, since then I've been lonely and have been wanted to get an other one. But every body is telling me not to because It's to soon. what should I do

    I would like to get a other dog?

    Hi, you see I had a dog for 8years, in october the poor little guy got hit by a car, since then I've been lonely and have been wanted to get an other one. But every body is telling me not to because It's to soon. what should I do...
    General Dog Discussions : I would like to get a other dog?...

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    • I would like to get a other dog?

      I would like to get a other dog? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, you see I had a dog for 8years, in october the poor little guy got hit by a car, since then I've been lonely and have been wanted to get an other one. But every body is telling me not to because It's to soon. what should I do

      I would like to get a other dog?

      I would like to get a other dog? General Dog Discussions
    • don't listen to other people, you know yourself best and when you are ready for another dogyou cannot replace the one you lost but can find some happiness and healing with a new one

    • It's your life, and if you need a dog in it, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. As long as you're prepared in every aspect, go ahead and start making plans for a new dog.I'm sorry for your loss - one of my dogs died in November, he was only seven.

    • Do what's best for you. My beloved golden retriever got hit by a car a couple of years ago. I waited about 6 months to get a new dog. But, I personally got a dog that was very different, I got a terrier mix. So, then, I had a dog to love, but it wasn't constantly reminding me of my golden, and I wasn't constantly comparing them. But, again, do whats right for you. And, I'm very sorry for your loss.

    • If you want to get another dog go ahead but remember the dog you get will not replace the one you lost.He or she might have a completely different personallity so I hope you wont be dissapointed.Shelter dogs are lonely and make good companion check them out they will repay your rescue with love.Sorry about your loss and good luck finding another companion

    • ignore them and decide whether YOU think YOU'RE ready. i think that if you're ready to move on then you deserve to be happy and get a new companion. in fact, a new bundle of energy might even help you move on a bit. i think the only thing you should be wary of is getting the same breed as the similarities might bring back too many sad memories. if you're a little unsure, why don't you go to your local shelter and offer to foster a puppy. that way, you can experience having the puppy and if you decide that you aren't ready, you haven't made a long-term commitment and it can be adopted by someone else later. if you are ready, then you can just adopt the puppy and continue living your life. but mostly, you're the only one who can understand your own feelings and it's only too soon if you think it is.

    • I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I have had the loss of a very great Australian Shepherd who I have had since I was born. I am 13 now. And he passed away in July or August. If you feel you can handle another dog, I'd say go for it. If you are having doubts, wait a couple more months. Maybe in those months do some research on the dog you want. I know how you feel. And no dog can replace mine, or yours. My family and I agreed and we just adopted a 13 week old lab/hound mix about 2 weeks ago. Max (our new pup) can never, ever replace our Martin. (Australian Shep.) But, we felt like we had to have a dog in our life, to keep us moving. And boy, is he. Lol But anyway, sometimes getting a new pup is the best thing. To keep you moving forward. To have a companion. And since you mentioned your "Lonely", dogs are great companions and great friends.If you do decide to get a new dog, I would suggest adopting. Have a great 2009. Im sorry to hear about your dog, I know what you are going through. :) Best wishes

    • i would do it.just don't compare your two dogs constantly though.it wouldn't be fair to the new dog to have to live up to something,just love it for what it is.a new dog might be good for you.i know you won't be able to get over your old one very fast,but having a friend there for you is always helpful.and you can feel even better about it because you will be saving that dog just as much as s/he is saving you.think about if you never happened, it would just be sitting in the pound.lonely.you go gurl.