ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies??

i am getting a new puppy and i am really nervous about my 2 year old dog meeting her....

    ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies??

    i am getting a new puppy and i am really nervous about my 2 year old dog meeting her.......
    General Dog Discussions : ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies??...

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    • ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies??

      ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies?? General Dog Discussions
      i am getting a new puppy and i am really nervous about my 2 year old dog meeting her....

      ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies??

      ok howdo you introduse a puppy to a dog who has never been around puppies?? General Dog Discussions
    • My dogs have no concern about puppies but adult dogs I bring in while my dogs are i the yard and put them directly in a crate. This helps the new dog feel more protected and mine can't go to far to fast.

    • It could be tricky. Go slowly, and hold the pup in your arms while you introduce it to your dog. Your dog will not be happy about another baby in her territory, but you need to make it clear that she should tolerate it. Generally, dogs understand each other, but you need to be careful. You are smart to be nervous.You should be prepared to take your puppy back... your existing dog should take priority, and if she can't deal with it... she wins.

    • Get a kennel for the puppy. put him in the kennel when he is first around your older dog. this way they can meet eachother and get to know eachother without putting the puppy at risk. after they get used to eachother let them play together but keep a close watch. after a time they will be best friends. :) dogs are sociable animals and just love making friends.

    • well, is your older dog over protective or uber-aggressive? (haha) i have a border collie/Labrador doggie, and he is very "protective" and he senses fear very easily and attacks, if you have a dog like this, i'd make sure he is NOT scared of other animals and i would always go where he goes when it is around your older dog. if your older dog is sweet and more docile than he should be fine.

    • my dog was just over a year old when we got our second dog who was nine weeks old at the time. we kept them seperated for the first week but we supervised them together for about an hour every day. after the first week they were used to each other and now they're the best of friends lol. just make sure your older dog gets plenty of treats and attention as well and scold him immediately if he shows any sign of aggression to the puppy-they should settle after a few days :D

    • Slowly ease the older dog into it. I did this about a year ago when I got a new puppy and I had to bring her into a home with my 8year old brittney spaniel who is NOT a fan of other dogs. I always held the puppy at first and let the brittney smell her as much as she wanted. Then every time they were around each other I was always in the room also because the older dog would have aggressive movements towards the puppy and I would always have to be there to tell her no. (she is also a hunting dog and loves to chase little animals so she was VERY interested in this new little puppy for all the wrong reasons) You just have to slowly let them be around each other more and more, it took about a month or two but the older dog finally warmed up to her and now they are like best friends :) LOTS of patience is the key. It takes a while but if my brittney warmed up to the new dog I think any dog could do it. My little shih tzu/maltese is still the only dog she wants around though!