My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE??

My dog is a schanuzer and he's about 8years old in human years. He's been recently diagnosed with diabetes and lost a lot of weight...I give him insulin shots everyday.Ok so he pees NON STOP. I'm afraid to leave the house for too long because he'll…

    My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE??

    My dog is a schanuzer and he's about 8years old in human years. He's been recently diagnosed with diabetes and lost a lot of weight...I give him insulin shots everyday.Ok so he pees NON STOP. I'm afraid to leave the house for too long because he'll…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE??...

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    • My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE??

      My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE?? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a schanuzer and he's about 8years old in human years. He's been recently diagnosed with diabetes and lost a lot of weight...I give him insulin shots everyday.Ok so he pees NON STOP. I'm afraid to leave the house for too long because he'll pee. He even pees when he's walking normally.(normal dogs stop and squat to urinate right?)Whats wrong with him?

      My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE??

      My dog has this unstoppable peeing problem, HELP PLEASE?? General Dog Discussions
    • my dog has cushions disease and she pees a lot toowe are getting tired of it but are dealing with it.when we first discovered that she was loosing control of her bladder, we took her to the vet. they said they had to check the gland that leads to her bladder, for tumors. luckily she didn't have them.but those tumors could be causing your dog to loose his bladderhope i helped and good luck